In the ocean of architecture and design, there are always new waves imposing various styles, but the core of the styles will always be rustic. The most conservative and traditional style of them all is rustic – the one that goes back in history and goes back to your roots.
Back in the day, most US homes and houses worldwide were made in this style. Today, it is considered rare and exclusive. If you like this style, you should do some renovations and involve it more in your everyday life.
In this article, we’re sharing a few ideas about doing it. Luckily, there are enough rustic items on the market to choose from, and we’re going through most of the ideas essential to creating a rustic living room. Follow up and see what they are.
1. Fireplace
The core of the rustic and traditional lifestyles goes back to architecture and design origins. Humans felt like home when they were gathered around the fireplace. This is a place that reminds of home, and provides comfort and warmth. Until this day, we feel the same way when we sit by the fire and listen to its cracking sounds.
Installing a fireplace in the living room is a must when thinking about rustic styles. A wall of stone and the firepit inside remind of traditional homes. This is the first thing to do if you want to have one.
2. Rawhide rug in front of the fireplace
Another thing that people ages ago used to cherish the most was the raw skin and fur from wild animals that are used for keeping them comfortable. People back then used bear, wolf, and other wild animals’ rawhide and the skin from domestic animals, like cows, sheep, and others.
Today, you can find a wide range of natural cowhide rugs, but also imitations, rugs made of different materials that resemble the actual animals’ rawhide. It’s up to you what you’ll choose, but be sure that this type of rug will create an authentic rustic feeling.
3. Rocking chair
You’ve probably seen those old Hollywood movies where the main event happens in the Wild West. There’s nearly always a room with a rocking chair, and that’s because old-fashioned homes nearly always had one.
Find the best rocking chair on the market and place it next to the sofa. If you love this type of chair, sitting in one of them and watching the fireplace will make you feel amazing.
4. Plants in most corners and wherever you can have them
As we already mentioned, rustic style is all about the connection with nature. A big part of nature is plants. Get yourself more green leafy flowers, plants, or bushes that will look amazing along with the other furniture.
All rustic homes have a lot of natural impact, and flowers are simply a must. They might require a little more attention, but their looks will complement the entire room, making it look flawless.
5. Paintings of animals and nature
Your walls should stay naked. It doesn’t matter if you have a wonderful stone wall or a classical white wall in buildings; a painting of wild animals, nature scenery, or images of an old-fashioned city lifestyle will make your place outstanding.
It’s best if you can get them from professional artists painting exactly what you want, but even paintings that you’ll get from the flea market may be enough to get the job done.
6. Big wooden logs as decoration
Some houses have the roof beam visible, and if you’re opting for modern styles, you’ll want that beam covered, but rustic styles allow you to keep it as it is and even highlight it. Even if you don’t have one, the room will look staggering if you install one or more wood logs across the room just to get the visual representation of the raw, rustic home look.
If you do have wooden logs visible, paint them with solutions that will keep them fresh and enjoy their looks. When everything else in your living room is arranged, the logs will look dominant and fall into the style perfectly.
7. Wooden chairs and tables without too much processing
The rest of the furniture you need to enjoy your stay in the living room is best made from wood. The main three materials needed for rustic homes are wood, stone, and fabrics. This is all that people used back in the day, which marks the rustic style today.
The dining and coffee tables should be made entirely of wood. Avoid glass or metal, which is highly popular today in other design styles. The sofas and chairs should also be made of similar materials. The only thing that should be modern is the TV and the essential appliances for today’s life.