In a typical office setting, employees would sit at their desk for around eight hours every day, five times a week. Most offices have similar looking workspaces, which include the same plain white, beige, or neutral walls that greet its employees daily. This can make going to work unexciting and affect your productivity.
Given that you spend most of your time in the office, it’s a good idea to make it more inviting by adding a few personal touches. It can help make your personal office space more visually appealing and more comfortable to work in. In some cases, adding a few decors can inspire you to be more productive.
If you want to be at your best at work, begin with a few enhancements in your workplace. Here are eight ways you can personalize your office space.
Add Some Color
One way to break away from the plain and uninteresting background is by adding a pop of color to your desk. If you have limited space, make sure the decorative items can serve other functions too. For example, placing colorful office items such as binders, desk organizers, and file folders can help brighten up your space without sacrificing any of their functionality.
You can also extend this colorful idea to even your wardrobe. While most offices adhere to a dress code, as long as you don’t violate the requisite office attire, then adding a few colorful highlights shouldn’t be a problem. After all, you don’t necessarily have to be clad head-to-toe in bright neon colors as you still need to appear professional. You can just wear a light pink button-down or make use of personalized lanyards with colorful designs. While they may be subtle, these colorful additions can make your day more cheerful.
Put Up Photos of Loved Ones
Surrounding yourself with life moments is a fun way to personalize your office space. So, put up a photo of you and your partner from your wedding day or some pictures of your beautiful children. It can also be an adorable picture of your furry friend. Apart from personalizing your space, these are also simple reminders of why you work hard.
When displaying photos on your desk, keep them tasteful. Remember, you’re placing them in your office, so it’s a good idea to keep the swimsuit photos at home. Also, limit it to one to three photos as you want to have ample room on your desk to do your work.
Display Mementos
Apart from photos, you can personalize your space through the various mementos you’ve collected. These can be postcards from your travels or a collage of all your favorite places. You can also display meaningful knickknacks on your desk such as travel souvenirs or a quirky collection that can help spark your creativity. No matter what you choose to place in your office space, these personal items can help reflect your personality. Similar to your photos, just make sure you leave enough space to do your work.
Prioritize Your Comfort
If your work requires you to sit in front of your computer for long hours, make sure you’ll be comfortable doing so. Consider buying a back pillow or a throw blanket to make the chair’s backrest more comfortable. Get these items in your favorite colors or with lovely patterns to add personality to your space. Also, find a bright-colored wrist rest to set in front of your keyboard or mouse. It will help keep your wrist in a neutral position and support your forearm, helping reduce strain on those muscles.
Enhance The Lighting
Many offices typically use overhead fluorescent lighting, which makes the space appear cold and unwelcoming. To help warm up the vibe, add a desk lamp with softer lighting. It will also provide more lighting to help you see what you’re working on better. Since tabletop lamps come in a wide variety of designs, you can get one that suits your style. This makes lighting a great tool when adding your personal touch to any space.
Let Something Grow
Another way to personalize your office space is by introducing natural elements into your workspace. For example, adding indoor plants can enhance the visual appeal of your workplace. They can also improve the indoor air quality in your office. You can get pothos, aloe, and jade plants to remove toxins from the air so that you can breathe healthy fresh air indoors. Best of all, these plants are very easy to care for and can thrive even in low-light settings. So you don’t need to have a green thumb or have a spot near the windows to keep these types of plants in the office.
Place Some Artwork
Many companies have pieces of art to decorate the common areas of their offices like lobbies and conference rooms. It allows organizations to show their unique personality. And you can do something similar in your own space too. Hang a piece of artwork you love or a framed inspirational quote. These items are a great way to make your space look lovely and still appear professional.
There are various ways you can personalize your office space like adding decorative and functional items that match your style. When choosing objects, make sure that they still reflect a professional vibe and won’t get in the way of your work.