
A contemporary, modern kitchen distinguishes itself from the middle bracket, because there is always something exciting to experience and see. This can be a sleek kitchen island, beautiful decorative kitchen tiles or – which has become very trendy in recent years – a luxury built-in wine fridge.

A built-in wine fridge in the kitchen area is also called a wine cooler and offers a number of advantages. This increases the value of the property. Houses with a kitchen / wine paradise are worth more because they have a more luxurious appearance, making them better in the market. If you choose a built-in wine cabinet or a separate wine cabinet in the kitchen area, you opt for elegance and style. A wine cooler gives the kitchen space extra appeal and is a beautiful visual asset to the interior.

Wine cabinets are also very energy efficient nowadays. Energy label A or B is usually the rule rather than the exception. So the owners do not have to be afraid of high energy bills.

Value increase of your kitchen or living area

Improving or renewing the kitchen yields an increase in value of more than 5%. When the current kitchen is considerably outdated, the increase in value of the house after installation of a brand new kitchen will continue to grow for a number of years. When potential buyers are also interested in wine, the value increases explosively.

Various styles and possibilities

With wine cabinets you can provide various living styles and interiors with an elegant, Mediterranean Andalusian style, with a nostalgic-classic or a sleek-modern look. Whatever your wishes are, the right model of wine cabinet sets custom accents in all possible homes.

2-6 Give your kitchen extra style with a built-in wine fridge

A wine cabinet gives interior an modern look

One of the wine cabinets that is often built into modern interiors is the BODEGA43-40 with stainless steel and tripled glass door. This cabinet is aesthetically pleasing, because you can see through the door and the wine bottles are therefore visible through the glass. Put Bordeaux 75cl bottles in this cabinet and enjoy the beautiful image that the kitchen space gets with this wine cabinet type.

3-3 Give your kitchen extra style with a built-in wine fridge

Build your kitchen into a wine paradise!

For example, a freestanding wine fridge gives your kitchen a very luxurious look, and it only costs an investment of £699. If you are a true wine lover, you can also opt for a wine storage cabinet. The climate of a wine cellar is simulated in a wine storage cabinet. In this quiet, calm and cool environment, wine can flourish optimally. Wine storage cabinets are therefore specially developed for maturing wine. The BODEGA43 wine cabinets originate from the Spanish Coin in Spain. In a wine storage cabinet you can leave your bottles of wine for several years, until they have reached their peak. The wine storage cabinets are ideal if you don’t want to make a large investment, but still want to create your own wine cellar in the kitchen.

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