There are many reasons why we all look forward to the winter season coming around each and every year. We look forward to the first snowflake to land upon the ground, the sign that shows us that Christmas is just around the corner, we count down the days till our holiday break when we can finally spend that valued time with our families and loved ones and we enjoy that warm feeling that flows over us when we are snuggled in front of a blazing fire, with a nice mug of hot cocoa. Yes, with the winter comes some of life’s luxuries however, the cold and bitter weather is certainly not one of them.
With Winter Comes Expenses!
Winter not only brings us moments of true joy and delight but it also brings with it times of frustration and rocketing expenses. Particularly in the shape of our crippling heating bills! No matter how much we try, we find it nearly impossible to save on energy. As the cold weather sets in we all turn to our trusty energy sources, we crank up the gas, fuel the fire and dust off our portable heaters to be put to use once again, to fill our homes with that much-needed heat. We seek numerous ways to keep ourselves and our families warm until eventually, the winter season passes yet again for another year.
It’s true! We are one great big nation that solely relies upon the power of energy to keep ourselves warm and toasty throughout the presence of the cold weather. All the time costing ourselves a small fortune during the process, not realizing the less costly alternative ways that have been available to us all along. Sources of energy are not our only option when it comes to heating up our homes during the winter period, here are some effective practical ways to keep your home warm and cozy when it is cold outside with and without the source of energy!
Purchase Some Thick, Hang Heavy Curtains
Windows have a huge effect on the temperature of the room, especially if your home is not equipped with double glazing. Investing in some thick, heavy hanging curtains can work wonders in helping to contain the heat within your home. Keeping your curtains open during the daylight hours and letting the sun blaze its rays into your home will elevate the room temperature and making sure to close your curtains as soon as it gets dark out, will effectively maintain the heat within the room.
Invest in a Radiator or Heated Towel Rail
We all know when getting out of a hot bath or a steaming shower during the winter months can sometimes feel like we are suddenly thrown into hyperthermic temperatures, it is a shock to the system, to say the least! Purchasing a bathroom radiator or heated towel rail can surely eliminate the shock of the plummeting temperatures. Having your towels awaiting, all warm and toasty when you are ready to jump into them, will certainly provide you with comfort. You can also get additional radiators installed throughout your home, to provide you with that influx of much-needed heat!
Make Sure Your Radiators Aren’t Crowded
Now having your radiators buried under stacks of clothes or nestled behind a sofa is kind of defeating the object. Crowding your radiators with furniture or suffocating them with clothes traps the heat, as it fails to be released and to perform its duty of circulating the room. Make sure to have your radiators clear to get the maximum benefit from this source of heat.
Convert to Smart!
Having a smart thermostat installed comes with masses of great benefits and will do wonders for your home in the winter months. Putting a smart thermostat that is programmable into place will allow you to set temperatures for specific times throughout the day. For instance, you will be able to set the ideal temperature for when you awaken each morning or say when returning after a hard day at work. This will ensure your home is at optimum temperature at all times, providing you with comfort.
Use Rugs in Rooms With Hard Floors
Rooms unequipped with carpet are a lot cooler in general. To contain more heat, it is a good idea to use rugs on the hard surface floors within your home. This will not only keep your feet nice and warm but the rug also acts as an insulator and will prevent any cold, chilly drafts that may escape from between floorboards.
Redirect Your Ceiling Fan
Not only is a ceiling fan great for keeping you cool during the summer months but it can also be a godsend in keeping your home warm during the winter. By reversing the direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise in the winter, it will work in the opposite effect. The rotating blades work to lift up the cooler air, resulting in warmer air being released down into the room, generating heat! So remember guys, anticlockwise cool, clockwise warmth!
Use Draught Excluders
The cold air that is bombarding your home from under doorways, letterboxes and even keyholes have more of an effect on the temperature of your home than you think. These cold draughts can be a major culprit when it comes to failing to maintain the heat within your four walls. Use draught excluders to cover the bottom of your doors and block up any chance of that nippy air blowing in by covering letterboxes and keyholes!
Have Plenty of Blankets and Cushions on Hand
Now, what better feeling is there than being snuggled up in a nice warm blanket, surrounded by masses of cushions? Nothing, right? Having plenty of blankets and cushions around can transform the room into a cozy-fest and keep you roasty toasty too!
Open Your Oven Door
There is no doubt during the winter months you will be planning on preparing some hot and hearty meals to warm up the soul! After you have finished cooking, a good idea is to leave the oven doors open, allowing any existing heat to be released and circulate around the room.
There are mountains of ways we can keep our homes warm and cozy when the harsh weather conditions are upon us. Not only can we use those sources of energy that we have grown to rely upon, but we can also find a use for the stack of blankets we have nestled away, add a little more insulation by putting down a rug and successfully eliminate those draughts by covering up there only way in!