Certain situations, such as unwanted accidents, could lead to surfaces being covered in blood. When this happens, you can read through these guidelines on how to clean blood from surfaces to remove it effectively.
Some people might overlook this as a simple job, but be reminded that blood spills put you at risk of being contaminated with bloodborne diseases such as Hepatitis B, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Malaria and more.
Different surfaces have a diverse set of textures and characteristics, so cleaning up blood spills would require specific tools and techniques to be used.
Non-Carpeted Floorings
Non-carpeted floorings or surfaces such as ceramic, metal, tiles and vinyl are prone to blood spills. These surfaces might be easier to clean than others, but you should do something about it quickly because the spill spreads fast.
Listed below are the steps on how you can effectively clean blood spills on non-carpeted floorings:
- Always put safety first by wearing protective and disposable gloves.
- Start wiping the surface you are cleaning using an absorbent material such as a paper towel.
- Prepare a bleach solution by mixing one part of it and nine parts of water. Carefully pour it into the contaminated surface and let it rest for about 20 minutes.
- Start wiping the surface again, but this time use multiple paper towels. You can also use a rag or a mop.
If you opt to use non-disposable materials like a rag and mop, you should sanitize it after with a saturated bleach solution. Let it be air-dried first before storing it,
- Dispose of all the paper towels and gloves that you used in a leaf-proof container and place them in a garbage bag.
- Finish the cleaning process by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Using hand sanitizer after would also help.
Carpeted Floorings
Carpeted surfaces take another set of procedures to clean because they are harder to deal with than smooth non-carpeted ones. This is because carpets are naturally absorbent, so you need extra steps to clean up blood spills. You can follow the listed steps below for this task:
- The first thing you need to do is to prepare protective gloves to avoid contact with blood that might have deadly pathogens.
- Next, use antimicrobial carpet shampoo to disinfect the contaminated spillage area and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
- Start wiping the blood off the surface using paper towels immediately after disinfecting it. It might dry up and get harder to deal with if you wait longer.
- Use a wet vacuum to remove any remaining fluids in the contaminated area. It would be best if you did this repeatedly to remove as much blood from the surface.
- Start using proper disinfectants to sanitize the contaminated area effectively. After this, use the steam cleaning method to maximize the results.
- You should also dispose of the gloves, paper towels and rags that you used in a tight, zip-lock bag. Next, sanitize all the equipment you used before storing them back.
- Finish the procedure by drying up the surface using fans.
Similar to carpeted surfaces, furniture is often covered in absorbent leather, so you should also act fast when cleaning up blood spills. It would take the extra effort of cleaning when you let the blood harden before cleaning it up.
Follow these steps immediately to deal with blood spills on your furniture:
- As usual, put on safety gloves for your protection and then wipe the blood stains using paper towels.
- If needed, use a special shampoo that is specifically used on leather surfaces to treat the contaminated area.
- Before using a disinfectant, test it first on a small spot to see if it would react violently. If nothing happens, disinfect the surface thoroughly. If the disinfectant reacts with the leather, try using another product to avoid destroying its quality.
- Prepare an upholstery cleaner to wipe the surface and repeat it until the blood stains disappear.
- Apply another coat of mild disinfectant to the contaminated surface and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
- Use another set of paper towels to dry the affected surface and then properly dispose of it.
Smooth Surfaces Like Glass
Dealing with blood spills on windows or other glass-like surfaces could be easier, but preventive measures still need to be observed.
Do the following steps to clean up blood on smooth surfaces like glass:
- Do not forget to put on your safety gloves for your protection.
- Rinse the surface with cold water because warm temperature could set the blood, and you do not want that to happen.
- Prepare hydrogen peroxide and use a cotton ball to apply it to the contaminated area.
- Use a cotton swab to apply enough hydrogen peroxide for any stubborn blood stains left on the surface.
- Make a solution of hand soap and water, then apply it to the surface using a clean sponge.
- Rinse the surface well with cold water once again.
- Use a squeegee to remove any trace of fluids on the surface to prevent excess moisture from developing.
- Finish the cleaning process by applying rubbing alcohol with the use of paper towels.
Outdoor Blood Spills
Dealing with outdoor blood spills might pose a different set of challenges, but with the proper use of techniques and safety procedures, it is doable. Just remember to incorporate the steps listed above and quickly deal with the contaminated area to avoid further damage.
You should also be quick and creative in thinking about the most effective way to clean up blood spills and completely sanitize the contaminated area to be free from deadly pathogens.