Moving houses can be time and energy-consuming, especially if it’s your first time. There are a lot of parts to be disassembled, emptied, reorganized, and fixed – long before you even start the moving process. Unless you have a good plan, your next move will be nothing short of a nightmare.
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. You can do a few things to streamline the moving process so it isn’t as consuming as it normally is. The next time you’re moving houses, be sure to follow these 4 tips:
1. Keep it Simple and Organized
Okay, so while moving houses is a big thing, there’s no need to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Take it one room at a time, create a checklist for the tasks needed, and then move on to the next. Once you’re done with planning all of the rooms in the house, review your moving process to avoid repeating your actions.
For instance, if you want to pack all the wall paintings and accessories in one box, be sure to include these items found in the whole house instead of duplicating your boxes. Or you can create duplicated boxes but label each one accordingly and place them together.
2. Disassemble and Box Your Items
Speaking of boxing your items, it’s one of the ways to organize your move. Don’t just leave your stuff scattered everywhere. If an item is too large, disassemble it into parts and then pack it. That includes your 9’ sleepers sofa that’s too large to go through the doorways – you need to unhinge those frames in advance.
When it comes to your electronics, it’s best to pack them in their original boxes. Once packed, be sure to securely seal all the boxes with tape. The moral of the story: don’t leave anything unpacked. It’s going to be a nightmare both for you and the movers.
3. Book a Professional Moving Service ASAP
If you don’t want to end up roaming in the city looking for free movers, you need to act fast. Movers can get booked in a flash, especially during busy seasons. At least, that’s always the case in the busy city of LA. Take it from Real RocknRoll Movers Los Angeles, they recommend you book movers as soon as you decide to relocate – and then you can start packing. However, don’t let your rush prevent you from researching the movers and choosing a reputable and trustworthy company.
4. Be Sure to Clear Moving Access
Movers are only humans, they can only walk through clear paths and pack your items one at a time. If you want to optimize the time and energy needed for the move, be sure to clear your clutter to create moving access.
Moving can be challenging, and it requires patience. It is extremely vital that you do your research and find a reliable moving company for this process so that you don’t have to worry about the safety of your belongings. Also, keep in mind that you’re the moving director. You’re the only one who can direct the movers to pack your items and de-load them into your new space. To do that, you must have a clear plan in mind for both, moving from your old house and into the new one.