Well water filtration systems are a good choice for homeowners who have concerns about their drinking water quality but don’t want to sacrifice price for the quality. There are many types of well water filtration systems available on the market today, but it’s important for homeowners to do their research before making a purchase.
Most well water filtration systems are designed to filter out particles and contaminants that can lead to cloudy or dirty-looking water, strange odors and to filter out sediment. In this article, we will take a look at the different components of a whole home well water filtration system and how they work.
What is a Whole House Water Filtration System?
A whole house well water filtration system will include three primary elements: an in-line filter, pressure tank, and pump or pressure switch. The in-line filter will be installed before the water enters the home’s plumbing. The filter will trap sediment and other small particles that can lead to cloudy or dirty-looking water, as well as odor issues. Once filtered, the water travels through a pipe to the pressure tank where it is stored under pressure until needed for use by the rest of the home’s plumbing system.
How to Find the Best Whole House Water Filtration for Wells
The type of filtration system that fits the needs of your home depends on your intended use, water quality, and how much space there is by the well. We recommend asking yourself these questions before deciding which whole house filtration system will best meet your requirements:
What’s In Your Water – Have Your Water Tested
It’s important to have your water tested before you install a whole house well water filtration system. Testing will show the levels of different particles in your water which can help determine what type of filter is best for you. For example, excess iron may require a different type of filtration system than heavy sediment.
- Know Your Well Water Chemistry.
Well water chemistry is a major factor when it comes to the type of filtration system that should be installed. Knowing your well water’s pH and iron levels can help determine what type of filtration components you will need to buy, as well as how often they will need to be replaced.
- Don’t Forget About Water Pressure.
Another important consideration is the water pressure in your well, which will affect how many gallons of water can be produced per minute (GPM). A filtration system that won’t supply enough GPM may not be suitable for your use.
- Size Does Matter!
Once you have determined what type of filtration system you need, you will need to know the size of the well. This is because wells vary in depth and diameter, which can affect how much water pressure there is coming out of the well. A filtration system that has too high of GPM output for your well may result in wasted water or prevent you from having enough water pressure throughout your home.
Whole house well water filtration systems can be a cost-effective choice for homeowners who want to improve the quality of their home’s drinking water without spending a fortune on plumbing upgrades.
- Choose the Most Appropriate Water Filtration Media for Your Needs.
Filters come in different types, so it’s important to choose the type of media that fits your needs for well water filtration. For example, sand filters remove particles using sand as a filtering medium, while carbon filters use activated carbon to remove organic compounds and contaminants.
Popular Types of Water Filters for Wells
Activated Carbon
Carbon filters use activated carbon, which has a porous structure that absorbs and traps contaminants like chlorine. The size of the pores affects how quickly water flows through the filter, but generally speaking high-flow filters with smaller pore sizes will cost more than low-flow filters with larger pore sizes. Carbon filters may need to be replaced anywhere from four months to every year, depending on how much water is used in your home.
Water Ionizers
Water ionizers contain two electrodes with opposite charges that release ions, which attract contaminants like bacteria and heavy metals. They can reduce levels of chlorine, fluoride, nitrates, arsenic, chromium-6 (a known carcinogen), and other contaminants. While there are no moving parts to wear out or repair on a water ionizer, the electrodes do need to be replaced every five years.
Water Softeners
Water softeners remove minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium from well water by replacing them with sodium ions. These minerals pass through the unit as a concentrated brine that is then flushed away into septic systems or municipal wastewater treatment plants. Unfortunately, water softeners may
UV (Ultraviolet) Filters
UV filters use ultraviolet light rays to kill harmful bacteria and other contaminants in water. The UV rays emit a specific wavelength that breaks the molecular bonds of any contaminant while leaving beneficial minerals intact. They may also be used with carbon or sediment filters for better well water filtration. This type of filter doesn’t need to be replaced very often, but it may need to be recalibrated every few years.
In Closing
Well water filtration systems can be expensive, so it’s important to do your research and select a system that will perform the best for your needs. If you choose the wrong type of filter or media, you could wind up with wasted water and poor-quality drinking water throughout your home. After making sure that your well is suitable for filtration, you can choose the type of filtration media that will give you the best results.