Moving to a new home is an exciting event ‒ especially after you’re done with all the paperwork for it. As exciting as it can be, moving also comes with a lot of anxiety and even dread for some ‒ organizing the process, packing, and managing a company that will move your possessions can be a real headache.
Speaking about the company, Paradise Moving & Storage will help you sort the whole process, providing you with a variety of moving services We’ve created this article with a fair share of their advice.
9 tips to organize your moving
So, you plan to move soon. Your goal here is to plan and organize everything to the details so the day goes smoothly and you’ll be able to celebrate new life at your new home shortly after.
These tips will definitely save your time and help you organize every process rationally.
- Start early. Don’t start packing everything just a few days before the moving van arrives. Avoid the stress by doing this step by step and room by room. Start with decluttering the living room, proceed to the kitchen, then pack boxes with all the stuff from the bedroom, and finish it with packing the rest of your belongings. Give yourself a week for this process and let yourself rest between these phases.
- Be thorough. Decluttering is your first and probably the most important step. Eliminate everything you won’t need at your new home ‒ sell it, donate to charity or utilize. Many moving companies including Paradise Moving & Storage offer cleanout services or even garage cleaning assistance. If your garage is full of stuff you didn’t even know existed on your property, you can order service like this to clean it out. Also, make sure you go through every drawer and cabinet ‒ if you don’t think you’ll use something in the nearest future and it doesn’t have any sentimental value, don’t pack it for moving.
- Organize everything. Yes, you’re already moving out, but the main goal of organizing here is to sort your items and eventually pack them into room-correspondent boxes. Also, this way you’ll save some space for your boxes so they won’t clutter at the center of the room.
- Sort your possessions room by room. If you pack your belongings this way, unloading and unpacking everything at the new place will be a lot easier.
- Label everything. The labeling system will help you sort everything out when you’ll start with unpacking. Keeping a checklist for every labeled box is another life hack that will make moving way easier.
- Don’t rush. As exciting as moving can be, taking your time to breathe in and out will only benefit you. Celebrate every milestone to keep up with the process. Think of your moving more as a fresh start instead of a stressful event.
- Commit to your goals. Hold on to the image of your new cozy home ‒ how welcoming will be the bathroom with all supplies stored neatly, how your cabinets will shine, how warm it will be when every blanket is sorted out. These images will keep your spirits up and set you for a more energized and fast unpacking without frustration.
- Get started when you can. Work at your own pace, but keep up to your deadlines ‒ set them yourself and make sure they’re not too intimidating. Deadlines will keep you focused and organized while not putting extra pressure on your shoulders.
- Create a plan. To speed up your unpacking process, measure the dimensions of the space you’ll organize step by step. This will help you point out new places for your furniture and supplies, so you won’t have to improvise.
With these tips, your moving process will go faster. Besides, a team of professionals will help you through the process right from packing and up to unloading your belongings from the moving van.