If you want to build the healthiest, most hygienic, and pest-free home for yourself and your family, there are some simple steps that you can follow to ensure this. First, we will discuss what common household pests are and where you are likely to find them. Then, we will dive into how best to pest-proof your home. Next, we will explain how building good food habits will minimize the risks of pests. If you do end up with pests in the home, you will need to use the expert services of a pest management company to fix this problem. Finally, we will explain why having pests in the home is so unhygienic, unhealthy, and problematic. Let’s get started!

Common Household Pests

There are several kinds of bugs and insects that are common household pests, such as stinging insects, like bees and wasps, vectors, like mosquitos, fleas and ticks, ants, flies, bed bugs, termites, cockroaches, and spiders. There are also larger common home invaders, like mice and rats.

If you have termites in your home, they will have found some dry wood to nest in, while cockroaches will likely be found in the kitchen or any warm space with access to food. Flies tend to stick around near windows and doors, while spiders are attracted to basements, attics, and quiet, dark spaces. Mosquitos will hide in dark damp places, like under the sink, and mice are notoriously found under kitchen cabinets.


A great way to prevent pests from entering the home is to install door sweeps on external doors to stop pests from entering under the gap. What’s more, you can fill gaps in skirting boards and wooden floors, get carpet, install brush strips under doors, and add mesh covers to your windows. If you are in an area with lots of mosquitos or other biting or stinging insects, you can even sleep under a mosquito net.

You still want fresh air coming into the home, so simply keeping windows shut all day every day is not a good solution for pests. Keeping a healthy airflow in the home will air out food smells, keep the home fresh and prevent levels of pollution in the air from rising inside the home. To keep your home ventilated but also pest free, try mesh window covers. This will allow air to circulate in the home when windows are open but prevent stinging insects and other pests from entering.

Good Food Habits

Create and stick to good food habits to limit food waste and crumbs from appearing around the house. This will in turn limit the temptation for pests to appear throughout the home. For instance, eat in just one room of the house. Do not take food to your bedroom or living area, where crumbs can be dropped and trodden into carpets or swept under beds and sofas. You can also clean thoroughly after meals and any spills, so food is not left on the floor.

You should never leave food sitting out, as its smell will attract pests. Moreover, try to take out the trash regularly and keep your waste in a sealed container (inside and outside) to avoid smells attracting pests.

Pest Control

If you do have pests in the home, which can happen even when you follow the above advice, do not stress. Simply call a pest management company to come and eradicate the pests from your home. As stated on greenpestmgmt.com, pests are at best a nuisance, and at worst a real problem. They can be dangerous and even cause expensive property damage. So, do not wait until the problem gets worse. As soon as you see signs of pests in your home, call your local pest control experts.

Signs Of Pests In The Home

If you have rodents in the home, it is likely you will eventually have a face-to-face run-in with one. However, before this jarring meeting occurs, you might notice signs of their existence, such as chewed wires, droppings, disrupted food packaging, and the tell-tale sound of scratching claws in the walls or ceiling.

For stinging or biting pests, like mosquitos, bed bugs, and fleas, an obvious sign is the appearance of sore or itchy bites on the skin. These will often occur at night. Moreover, if you have stuck windows or doors, or notice damage under the paint on the walls, you might have termites.

Why Pests In The House Are So Bad

First, they are bad for a household’s hygiene. Rodents spread a number of diseases, urinate and leave droppings everywhere, cause bad smells and get into food stocks in cupboards. If you have never heard of urine pillars, we apologize in advance. This phenomenon is created when a mouse infestation has been active for some time in a home and their urine has gathered dust and hairs until a clump known as a urine pillar is formed on the floor.

Asthma and allergies can be exacerbated by pests, particularly cockroaches and rodents, which leave droppings from feces and skin on all surfaces they touch. These small particles get into the air and as we breathe them in, they can cause issues in the lungs.

Moreover, there are several public health issues caused by pests in the home. Lyme disease, Zika virus, and rabies are all carried by pests and can be passed onto humans. Finally, pests will chew wires and damage furnishings in the home.

This has been a brief guide on keeping a healthy and pest-free house. We first discussed common household pests and where you might find them. Then, advice was given on pest-proofing the home and creating better food habits to minimize the risk of pests entering the house.

If pests do enter the home, you will need to call a pest management company whose job is to expertly remove unwelcome guests. There are several signs to look out for that indicate you have a pest problem, such as droppings, smells, chewed wires, strange sounds, and bites on the skin. Finally, we discussed why pests in the home are so bad. They can spread disease and cause health concerns, such as asthma. So, follow the advice in this guide to keep dangerous pests out of your home.

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