Julia sat at her desk, stacking over a never-ending pile of papers.

Her back was stiff, her shoulders hunched. She felt squashed in her chair, cramped and claustrophobic. How she wished that the design of her workspace were more ergonomic.

Alana King

Ergonomic. When one hears such a term, we often think of office spaces, sit-stand desks and swivel-styled chairs next to a computer. However, as more and more products come out boasting their use of ergonomic design principles, it does raise the question:

What does this type of design truly consist of?

From chairs to desks, there are several styles for one’s furniture that fit this definition. So, let us show you how ergonomic design can feature in how you lay out your office.

A Bad Back Vs. Stretching Your Legs

When it comes to ergonomic design, what exactly is it? Well, put simply, it is a design that is meant for people. It helps one to be comfortable in their workplace.

Using this type of design technique in the office can elevate productivity by making the environment more suitable to employees’ requirements.

This can include certain features, such as a bamboo standing desk.

The bamboo material also meets this through a sustainable workplace that can be specifically crafted to meet computer and spatial needs.

These types of desks are designed so that your posture isn’t affected. You can continue working, even when you need to stretch your legs.

This can also help you by making sure you don’t get rolled shoulders or a curved spine.

Limiting Sick Days Due to Workplace Injuries:

When considering the importance of your employees, it might be surprising that having a desk job can be quite strenuous.

When one is taking on a large workload, and sitting for potentially seven to eight hours a day, sometimes more. This can cause strain on multiple areas if one is not correctly positioned.

By investing in ergonomic office furniture, you cannot only provide comfort but reduce in-office injuries and strengthen muscles, which help in injury prevention.

This then helps the production of your business by looking out for workers health and limiting absenteeism.

How Does One Create an Ergonomic Space?

So, I bet you’re now thinking “if one then knows the function and benefits of ergonomic furniture, how does one go about creating that type of design?”.

Ergonomics is about relief and efficiency, but it is also about having an organised area.

Therefore, it is wise to consider these factors:

  • You should make sure the desk is high enough for your legs – whether you’re sitting or standing.
  • Contemplate the amount of lighting you have in the space – particularly that of natural light, as this will help prevent eye strain due to squinting and glare.
  • The position and level of your chair to that of your desk, which can affect your needs in regards to your posture.

These can easily be adjusted by height and alignment so that it fits the curve of your back.

  • Your keyboard and your monitor position:

This helps keep your shoulders and arms in a relaxed state and allows you not to develop neck strain or a repetitive strain injury in your wrists.

Allowing You to Stay Focussed:

While having a proper ergonomic layout can enable you to stay focussed during work, being efficient and effective also means understanding when to take a break.

While making your workspace fit well for your posture, there can be no doubt that we weren’t meant to remain sedentary for so long.

Therefore, have a workspace that allows you to get up and move around; make sure your desk doesn’t cram you into a claustrophobic area.


Hence, when it comes to creating an ergonomically designed office, it can be wise to think about the type of desk you want, how to create an organised layout, and the benefits these will bring.

For if one is comfortable, one can be focussed and thus, efficient and effective in their job.

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