A great office space can be the difference between a happy, settled and productive workforce and one which is demoralised and demotivated. If the surroundings employees work in aren’t conducive to a good atmosphere, it can make the working day drag and feel like a challenge.

Need some inspiration to create a dream office space that every employee will want to work in? Read on for some help and advice!

Work with reliable companies to find a dream office space

Don’t go it alone when trying to find a dream office space. Try to utilise the services of a great, reliable office space rental agency – they’re a fantastic first port of call to help find a dream space to work in.

They’ll help find the right type of building to rent and think about everything according to the needs of the company and everyone who works there. Needs like having comfortable working spaces, chill-out rooms and good catering facilities are always considered too, and not as an afterthought.

Location is key

These days many employees simply don’t want a long commute. A hybrid approach to working is seen as key to success. Therefore, finding an office in a great location is key to tempting them back – even if it’s only for a day or two a week.

Think about how close the office is to shops, cafes and other food retail outlets so that it’s possible to have out of office meet-ups. It’s good to also have parks and open spaces nearby so employees have somewhere to walk or get some fresh air when they’re on their breaks.

How comfortable is the office space?

Employers are now actively seeking to make office spaces as comfortable as possible, especially given so many people are coming back after working from home for long periods.

Gone are the days of banks and rows of desks and chairs with poor seating choices – and in their place are ergonomic workstations, break-out rooms for socialising during lunch hours, and just all-around more comfortable spaces to relax in.

Employees spend a lot of their time at work, so it’s important these rooms are great environments to not only get work done, but also to chill out and switch off.

Variety is key to making a dream office space

Not only is comfort key, but variety too. It’s important to choose workspaces that offer different rooms to go to during the day so that employees aren’t cooped up in one room from 9-5.

There needs to be a great balance between places to work, like rooms with desks/hot desks and meeting rooms so important discussions can take place away from the hubbub.

Consideration should also be given to personal spaces, including relaxing rooms, kitchen accommodation and bathroom/shower facilities – all of which are accessible and comfortable places where employees feel they can have time away from work if they need to.


With a few key pointers like these to hand, the process of finding and creating a dream office space becomes much easier and more achievable. Just remember, a clean, comfortable and relaxed workspace equals happy and engaged employees.

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