The time has come to give the home a much-needed makeover. You’ve put it off long enough but with so much to consider, where do you even start?

You want to redesign your home but want it to feel familiar – the age-old balancing act of trying something new that you know you’ll like without changing too much.

Let’s take a look at the essential furnishings first. These are things like radiators, lights, sinks, toilets, tables, chairs, and just about everything you use on a day to day basis.

So, what can we do with them?

Radiators and Heating Systems

When looking to overhaul a home the absolute first thing you should always take a look at is the radiators. Chances are you’ve barely given them some thought since you moved in, and if you have, it was probably a concealment job.

But we want to look at more than giving your radiators a new look – or hiding them from plain sight.

There’s so much that you can do with a radiator to modernize your home and make it look good at the same time. To begin with, modern radiator units tend to be far more efficient than their older counterparts. This will, in the long run, save you money.

But what kind of modern radiator do you go for? Well, you can’t go wrong with traditional column radiators – but that doesn’t mean they need to look boring. Column radiators come in a variety of different styles and designs nowadays.

Companies like Trade Radiators stock all kinds of column radiators. Everything from 3 and 4 column radiators to radiators with a modern and sleek finish.

Turn your radiators from a necessary eye-sore into a room feature piece that elevates its whole aesthetic.

Tables and Chairs

Every home will need tables and chairs, be it a full dining room set up or a lounge tailored to host guests.

When looking to modernize you will want to focus the style, design, and overall aesthetic of your tables and chairs with the vision you have for your overall room design.

Contemporary designs feature everything from futuristic triangle shaped coffee tables to the sleek, minimalist designs of spherical tables and chairs. Try going for neutral colours and shades like grey, white, black, and blue as these tend to complement any modern aesthetic very well.

Avoiding things like oak wood, birch wood, redwood, and more traditional styles of furnishing is a good way to ditch an older, rustic look for something new.

Lastly, Let Each Room Tell A Story

While having a modern look is about the contemporary style that you pour into your furnishings, don’t be afraid to add some personal flair and have each room tell its own story.

For example, you could have your main sitting room show how the family has grown and aged over the years – from baby photos to graduation photos.

Or, if you don’t have kids, then dedicate space to your pets and show how they have gone from fur babies to fully-fledged four-legged friends. Failing that, you can use your rooms to showcase personal accomplishments over the years.

When it comes to home design, it is okay to have a contemporary vision but don’t let your home lose its personal spark along the way!

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