You just moved into a new house and the kids are not feeling at home. It’s hard to make your new place feel like home because it is so different from where you came from.
Moving homes can be difficult for kids and the challenges tend to vary according to age. It’s important to prepare your kids for the move as best you can and keep the communication channels open throughout the journey.
Talk about what it was like living in your old house and what they may miss. What were some of your favourite things there that can’t be replicated at the new place? Children need stability from home life to help them cope with the uncertainty of moving.
Below are some tips that may be helpful in making your house feel like home for your family.
Memory Kits
Think about creating a memory kit or memory boxes to bring along in your travels that will allow you and your kids to take some things from home with you. This can include favorite bedding, books, toys or other items that are important for children’s sense of security.
Decorate with Familiar Items
So many people revamp their new homes based on what they think would look great rather than what is important and meaningful to them or their family members.
Familiarity is what makes home feel like home. Decorating with items that have been important or meaningful in the past can bring back memories of happy family times. Create new happy moments for your family, and make your house feel like home.
Consider the Fragrance
It seems every building has its own smell and you may not recognize the scent of your home.
Improving how your new home smells can go a long way to making it feel more like home for you and your family. Making sure that everything smells at least vaguely familiar is an excellent tactic to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in their surroundings.
Hang Some Artwork
New homes can feel a little lifeless so putting up some art can make it feel more like a home. Something that is meaningful to your family will be important for your children as well.
If paintings are not your thing, hang framed photos of family members and pets around the house. You could also try photos of favorite places you family enjoys together, for example your favourite holiday destination.
Freshen Up Your Garden
Little projects you can do together with the kids, is a great way for them to feel like they belong in your new home. Putting new plants in the garden can be a fun activity to work on together. You’ll also get to enjoy the process of caring for the garden and watching it grow.
Indoor greenery can also make your house feel like a home. Try to find out what kind of plants the kids are interested in and then put some around the house, on window sills or by the front door for example.
Invite Friends for Play Dates
If you’re moving internationally, interstate or far from your old neighbourhood your kids will be moving away from friends, it can be a big challenge to overcome. One way to make your house feel like home is to have a play date with friends.
Invite families over for dinner, or arrange a game night where everyone can get together around the table. You’ll find that you are starting to create new memories in your new place – these will help you all feel at ease in the new neighborhood.
Remove Clutter
When moving, it always takes time to unpack all the boxes and setup your new home. One way to make your house feel like it’s yours is by removing the clutter in each room so it feels complete. Even if you need to hide some boxes away out of sight for a while, it will help the kids feel that the move is finished and allow them to settle into the new place. If you’ve run out of space for all your belongings, seriously consider using a local storage facility so your family can get settled without the mess around them.
Buy a Piece of Furniture They Love
Another great way to create an atmosphere at home is by buying pieces of furniture or decorative items for your kids that they would love. If you live near a furniture store, take them to pick out something that will make their room feel more like home! By letting them be involved in the process, they’ll feel a sense of belonging.
If you’re looking to do a little redecorating, the most important thing is to make your home feel like it belongs to your family. One way of doing this is by giving each room its own personality and theme that speaks to who lives there. Kids rooms often go for something fun, while living areas will have more formal decorations.
Have Some Fun Together
Often families moving to a new home will have a house warming party. The same principle of having fun can apply to just your own family if you wish.
Try to get a feel for the area you now live in by exploring your neighbourhood with the kids. Putting together a little scavenger hunt can be fun for all and give you ideas about local parks, playgrounds, shops or other features of interest. Families that play together, stay together.