Sleep is essential for good health, but not having the correct mattress can completely undo and hard work you do in the rest of your daily life. Finding the right mattress for you depends on your individual sleep style, body type, budget, and preferences. Once you find that perfect mattress, you may be wondering how you can prolong its life and ensure that it remains supportive and comfortable over the years. To help, we’ve put together this guide on mattress wear and tear so keep reading for some top tips!

Changing A Mattress

The number one mistake that people make is not replacing their mattresses when they should. Ideally, you want to replace it every 6 to 8 years, as by this time, your mattress will have endured enough wear that it loses some of its functionality. However, this might not be the case and yours may last a little longer. As soon as you notice that your mattress isn’t performing as it used to, it’s probably time to upgrade it.

Keep Linen Clean

You might not realise it but keeping your bedding clean is essential when looking after your mattress. You should aim to wash your linen every 1 to 2 weeks as this will help keep any dirt and bacteria getting into your mattress. Over time, dirt can build up and encourage all sorts of skin problems and it can actually attract bedbugs. So, if you want to keep your mattress, and yourself healthy, make sure you wash your bedding regularly.

Rotating And Turning

You’ve probably heard people saying you need to turn and rotate your mattress, but you may not know exactly what they mean, and how often you’re meant to do it. Really it depends on the manufacturer, but the general rule is that single-sided mattresses need to be rotated regularly and double-sided need to be flipped once a month. This rule may not apply to all mattresses, so make sure you check the guidance of your supplier. Turning and rotating your mattress helps to prevent as much damage to it as you’re not constantly sleeping in the same bit, in the same position every night. It also helps to keep the filling evenly distributed inside the mattress so you can ensure maximum comfort for longer.

Invest In Protectors

A mattress protector does just what the name suggests, protects your mattress, and it can be crucial in increasing its longevity. A protector will not only add an extra comfy layer on top, but it will also help stop your mattress from being spoiled by spills and keeps moisture at bay. Although you may not want to pay for a new mattress and a protector at the same time, you’ll save yourself money in the long run as you won’t need to replace your mattress as soon.

Clean Spills Immediately

No matter how careful you are, there will be a day when you accidentally spill something on your mattress, but how you clean it is important. The first thing is to respond to the spill immediately. You want to soak up as much excess liquid as you can with towels, so it doesn’t seep deeper into your mattress. Then, once the spill has been soaked up, you’ll want to clean the area with warm soapy water. Try not to use harsh chemicals as they can damage the materials and cause skin irritation. If a stain is particularly tough, it’s best to contact the manufacturer and see what they’d recommend to help remove it.

Air It Out

If you make your bed as soon as you get up each morning, you could actually be causing damage to your mattress. It’s recommended that you air out your mattress every day to allow the moisture from the night to dissipate. The easiest way to do this is to leave your covers pulled back for a little while in the mornings and then you can go ahead and make it look neat and tidy again. Airing out your mattress also allows odours to disappear as well, so if you want to keep your mattress free from dampness and smelling good, make sure to follow this tip!

Over time, your mattress will start to degrade as you can’t prevent every bit of wear and tear. However, you can eliminate a lot of it to help keep its quality at a high standard for as long as possible. So, if you want to extend the life of your new mattress, make sure you try out some of these tips!

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