During the colder winter months, we’re all looking for ways to add some warmth and comfort to our lounges. During the winter months especially, we want our homes to feel inviting and cosy. Since the lounge is the room where we tend to spend the most time, it’s no surprise that this is one of the first areas people look to when trying to make their home feel cosier.

Below, we will go over six tips on how to make your lounge feel warmer.

Add Textiles

Textiles can help to give a room a much warmer vibe due to their layering effect. If you have a blanket, this will work great when thrown over the sofa. Curtains are also useful as they help to block out the outside world, prevent heat from escaping, keep draughts at bay, and they also look great on the windows. Cushions are also great for the couch as these can add additional layers and can be used for lounging on. Focus on simple textile additions to the living room to ensure the room doesn’t become too overcrowded.

Put Down a Rug

When your floors are left uncovered, they can feel very cold. This is especially true for hard floors such as stone or hardwood floors. You can lose a lot of your home’s heat through these types of floors. Adding a rug to the floor can help prevent some of the heat from being lost through the gaps below. Rugs also feel much cosier under the foot, making your home feel warmer and much more comfortable. The fluffier, the better, as a fluffy rug will help to add some additional texture to the room.

Move Your Sofa

Putting your sofa in front of the radiator may feel like the right thing to do. However, this means that your sofa will then be absorbing all of the heat from the radiator that could be used to keep your living room warmer instead. Moving your sofa away from the radiator can help the hot air circulate around the room properly. The same thing goes for things like your curtains and anything that may be covering your radiator. Try to keep things away from the front of the radiator so that you can get the most out of the heat. Alternatively, you may prefer hiring a professional to move a radiator for you to a more suitable location.

Block Out The Draughts

Something as simple as a quirky, fun draught excluder can help to keep your lounge warm while adding a bit of character. Draught-proofing your windows can also make a big difference in the amount of heat that is lost through the windows and the amount of draughts that can enter the home. Self-adhesive rubber seals are great for keeping your windows draught-free. Plus, these are quite easy to install yourself as a DIY project. If your front door enters into the living room, you may want to consider draught-proofing the front door. Things like caulk, a letterbox draught excluder and a draught excluder at the bottom of the door can make your lounge feel much warmer.

Use Heat Reflectors

Heat reflectors are great for helping your lounge feel much warmer. You can purchase radiator panels for relatively cheap. Plus, these are easy to install, so you’ll be able to complete this as a DIY project without needing to spend money on hiring a professional. Radiator heat reflectors work by reflecting the heat from your radiator back into the room. They are placed at the back of the radiator against the wall. This prevents heat from being lost through the wall and, instead, projects this heat forwards into the room, making it feel much warmer.

Bleed Your Radiators

It’s important to check your radiators regularly to ensure they are working effectively, particularly during the winter months, as you may find that you’re spending more money than you need to on your heating bills. If you notice any cold spots on your radiator, this is a clear sign that there is air trapped inside the radiator. This trapped air will prevent the warm water from travelling through your radiator effectively, and this will result in it taking much warmer to reach the desired temperature. The best way to eliminate cold spots in your radiators is to bleed them. This involves opening the bleed valve with a radiator key and then allowing the trapped air to escape. Once complete, your entire radiator will then be able to warm up effectively, making your lounge feel much warmer.

As you can see, there are several ways in which you can make your lounge feel much warmer during the colder months. We hope these tips have been useful and will help you to remain toasty during the winter.

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