Every homeowner wants to have a neat and organized place, but not all of them are willing to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to reach that goal. The idea of having an organized, roomy and airy living space is even more important in the case of people who own small homes. While it is not breaking news that these homeowners in particular are always looking for more storage space, you might find the number of available options surprising, including self storage, which has grown a great deal in recent times.

Thanks to new technologies and designs, custom-made furniture and the power of the almighty internet, where like-minded people can share tips and tricks along with personal experiences and professional expertise, it has never been this easy to find enough storage space around the house! Consequently, you’ll be able to enjoy much more living space by employing smart solutions, and our solutions will make sure you will have enough space for anything you might need to put away.

Make the most of your home’s vertical space

So, where can we find (or make) some extra room for our personal belongings? Let’s start with making the most of vertical space. Few people consider ceiling storage, and even fewer homeowners store their possessions by stacking them vertically up to the ceilings in their homes. Making the most of the space you have can be difficult, but there are more than a few hacks to help you. Double-rod closet organizers, suspended crates, pegboards and rolling shelves are just a few ideas to consider if you have too much stuff lying around the house.

These solutions are ideal for all kinds of smaller items that can fit in stacking drawers and containers, right up to your ceiling. On the other hand, clothes can be more efficiently stored using hooks rather than hangers, as this will allow you to put away a significantly larger number of items. Clothes can also be stored around the house using wall-mounted hooks. Storing your belongings on walls (including towels, linen, bags, sports equipment, etc.) will free up considerable living space, especially if you exploit the entire height of a room. Additional storage space can also be provided by high-hanging floating shelves, where you can safely store items you are not using on a regular basis.

Moreover, pull-down racks seem to be making a comeback, and that’s thanks to how much space they provide and how efficient they are. These are perfect for outdoor gear, sports equipment and seasonal clothing, among other things, and such racks can easily fit on the ceiling of a garage, basement, pantry or even a small closet. It is not difficult to put up (and even build, if you’re an avid DIYer) ceiling-mounted storage racks. These will help you declutter your space and can easily hold quite a bit of weight. Just be careful with how much you’re storing on them, as fallen racks can result not just in damaged goods but also in wall cracks and other sorts of damage in your home.

If you do have a garage, a basement or a larger storage room – even if you’re sharing it with somebody else – consider the benefits of overhead retractable storage. This solution is super-efficient in that it provides you with a lot of flexibility with respect to what you need to deposit, while being mostly out of sight and not taking up too much of your living space. If you feel like shelves and racks are the easy way out and you are feeling particularly creative, you can also consider nets, hooks and slings mounted to doors.

Turn it upside down and use floor storage

If your home’s ceilings are not particularly high or you think vertical storage is not pleasing to the eye, take it down a notch, literally, and make use of storage space inside your floor. It is easy to have too many items lying around on the floor, for instance if there are many members of the same family sharing an apartment, and especially if you have kids. Under-floor storage is a smart solution that is gaining more followers due to its considerable efficiency. We’re not only talking about custom-made secret trap doors, which can be pricey, but raised floors, slide-out drawers, raised platforms and all kinds of hidden compartments that can be incredibly helpful storage spaces.

Admittedly, this solution might require a bit more work than just hanging up a shelf and placing random knick-knacks on it. However, given the fast-growing DIY community, aided by the power of the internet, you can surely find a floor storage solution that works for you and your home. If you’re not particularly handy or you fear the task would be too much for you, don’t worry, as a good handyman should generally be able to help you out with advice and actual work too. Besides the fact that your place will contain significantly less clutter and give off a modern vibe, not having all your stuff on the floor, but rather underneath your floor, will provide you with both easy access to your belongings and with peace of mind…and you should not underestimate the value of either one of those. Finally, keep in mind that floor storage is especially useful in spaces that are not frequently utilized, such as an attic, but it is a viable option for almost every room in your home.

Convertible furniture means more storage space

Without a doubt, the thing that occupies the most living space in any home is the furniture. Some recently built modern furniture has secret compartments, hidden spots and storage solutions for small possessions. Using even bigger pieces of furniture to store stuff can be life-changing and can provide you with a breathable living space you didn’t even know you had. To give you just a few examples, armchairs, footstools and sofas usually have considerable storage spaces that you can use for everything from linen, bedding and towels, to toys, clothes, books and valuables.

Don’t overlook the idea of DIY furniture elements. Sure, an increasing amount of store-bought furniture is multi-functional, especially when the more modern designs, and besides looking good, they help keep clutter at bay. However, if you’re the craftsy type, feel free to browse the web and find that out-of-the-box idea that is doable and that will ultimately help you maintain a neat and tidy space.

Most tiny spots and corners of your home go unused

Nobody thinks about corners when designing a room…except for ‘well, I guess that weird lamp can go there.’ People are often tempted to cut corners inside their homes because we tend to think most of all about the central elements of the room and therefore we overlook the storage potential of all those tiny, out-of-the-way spots around the house. However, wall pockets and oddly shaped wooden shelves are great solutions you need to consider when it comes to the corner of your living room, for example. Wall-mounted corner shelves, for example, can easily be both fashionable and useful. Visually appealing shelves can hold more than books (think outside the box!) while wall pockets are more practical and can accommodate much more stuff, despite not being particularly attractive. It all really boils down to your design preferences, so if you think that wall pockets look good next to the living room sofa, then who is to say you shouldn’t place them there. Similarly, vertical countertop organizers can help you maximize home storage space in those funny and often overlooked spots.

Another oddly shaped space that tends to be neglected by homeowners is the staircase. If you try to think outside the box for a second, you can surely find at least a couple of ideas about how to use that space to its maximum potential. Think bigger than the traditional staircase pantry or pull-out drawers and aim for creatively designed bookcases, a doghouse or a small laundry room.

Don’t panic if these ideas don’t work for your home — there’s self storage!

At times, we simply have to face the music and acknowledge that we have more things than space. It is not uncommon to realize that we have gathered so many personal belongings that we don’t know what to do with them so as not to clutter our homes. The need for space in small houses and apartments is not news. So, since this is a common occurrence, there is an equally common solution to this issue and that is self storage. Along with mostly being an inexpensive service, renting self storage can be extremely beneficial for people who simply don’t have enough living space for their items. Moreover, if you’re relocating, downsizing, or welcoming a new member into the family, you need to think things through carefully, and renting self storage may be the best way forward.

While prices can vary significantly according to location, amenities and unit size, don’t be overwhelmed, as the process is much simpler than it appears at first. First off, you must figure out exactly what and how much stuff you need to keep outside your home. Once you conduct an inventory, you should be able to tell what kind of storage unit you need, and this storage size guide can help you. Now that the hard part is done, you simply have to find a storage facility close to your home, take your stuff there and not forget about the monthly rent. Your home will thank you, and then you will thank yourself once you start enjoying the living space you never had before.

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