In the modern home, time spent in the living room often revolves around the television. However, whether you are enjoying family time, unwinding by yourself, or looking to entertain guests, the living room is generally the place you choose to do this.

In short, it is the showpiece of your home. You need everyone to feel comfortable but you’ll also want them to marvel at how fantastic the room looks and feels. A big part of this, and also a conversation starter, is your shelf décor.

Think about it. How often have you been at a party trying to think of a new topic of conversation? The natural response is to look around the room, the shelf content can be inspirational. You simply need to get the best shelf decorating ideas possible.

Offset Shelving

When you are considering the best shelf decorating ideas for your living room you need to remember that this starts with the shelf itself. In other words, a plain white shelf is not going to do a lot for your living room. But, shelves in slightly different colours, ones that are off-set, and even cube or box shelves can make a huge difference.

Instead of simply being a shelf they are a feature.

The Right Ornament

The right ornament is likely to be a talking piece. But, it should also be something that you love and are passionate about. This is a good opportunity to introduce a glass vase or an alternative design made from the finest glass, such as the hand-crafted items made by Sogni di Cristallo.

Choosing a piece that you love means it will look great on your living room shelves and transform the room.


Having shelves doesn’t mean you need to fill them. Yes, a quality glass piece is good, as are a few books, and perhaps a fun ornament. But, you should also remember that there is no harm in having some space on your shelves.

Full shelves can make the room feel cluttered and chaotic, a little space is a good thing.


You also need to spend a few minutes considering the positioning of your shelves. They should be a focal point as you enter the room and perhaps in direct line of sight when entertaining. But, you don’t want all your best shelf décor around the television where it will be overpowered and ignored.


Plants are a great way to add a little colour to your shelves and brighten your room without being in your face. Simply make sure you purchase a plant designed for the space available.

Final Thoughts On Shelf Decorating Ideas

Remember, the best living room shelf decorating ideas are those that come from your heart. Your home is unique and so are you, choose your décor based on what you love and your home will look great.

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