When it comes to finding the perfect trees to plant in the state of South Carolina it may not be as easy as you may think given the type of climate it experiences. There are some that require extensive care, some that cannot withstand extreme weather conditions, some that are slow to grow, and some that are simply difficult to look after. This is why we have put together a list of trees that are perfect for planting in the Palmetto State.
Crabapple Trees
Some of the most popular varieties include sugar tyme, golden hornet, snowdrift, and harvest gold. Crabapple trees are great at cross pollinating and so should be planted closer to or near cherry, pear, and apple trees in order to attract pollinating insects to encourage the growth of the fruit. These trees are fairly robust and can grow in most soil types, and in direct sunlight or in the shade. Crabapple trees are very pretty and bloom a beautiful white, pink, red color. These colors persist for a long time – usually from spring through to fall.
Maple Trees
Some of the best varieties of maple trees include silver, sugar, Norway, red, and sycamore. They are the perfect tree for providing shade during those hot summers. Maple trees grow really fast and have large expansive branches to create a beautiful looking piece of foliage in your yard. Throughout the entire year, they provide some great colors – with greens in the summer and reds, oranges, yellows in the fall. Maple trees are very sturdy and are able to withstand harsh conditions, such as extreme weather conditions like heat, wind etc.
Oak Trees
This type of tree comes in a range of varieties including bur, northern, white, and English. Oak trees are fast growing and in just a short number of years can grow to as big as 80 feet in height. If this is too tall for you then you can use the services of palmettotreeservice.org to trim it down a bit. They require very little maintenance, so you can just plant them and leave them. Oak trees can thrive in pretty much any type of soil and are able to withstand conditions, such as pollution, as well as heat and cold. During the fall seasons, they provide some great color with orange, yellow, and red leaves.
Fir Trees
Although there are numerous varieties of fir tree, some of the best for planting in South Carolina include fraser, white, Korean, and nordmann. They are the perfect tree for adding privacy to a space given their thick foliage and that it lasts all year round. Very little maintenance is required to keep fir trees healthy and are able to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold. They also need very little water. Fir trees provide the perfect home for small animals and rodents, such as rabbits, squirrels, birds, and even deer. They can grow up to as tall as 40 – 50 feet.