The backrest pillow offers you the support and comfort of a chair pretty much anywhere. Not only do they make it easier to lounge upright, but they provide armrests, putting you in a great position to type.

When your back isn’t given the support that it is supposed to have, only a matter of minutes spent in any chair, bed, or sofa can bring about a world of pain.

Preventing that pain is where a backrest pillow comes into play as a support cushion designed to keep your back upstanding.

Follow ahead with us as we discover the ways a lumbar backrest pillow can soothe your spine to make your life more enjoyable.

What Are Lumbar Pillows Used For?

In order to understand the use cases for backrest pillows, let’s establish some basis for spinal science. First off, your spine has natural curves that form an “S” shape that can be split up into three main sections: Cervical (your neck), Thoracic (your upper back), and Lumbar (your lower back).

When you are sitting down in a slouched or hunched position for long periods of time, it places much less stress on your lumbar spine or lower back. The problems that can arise from this form of extended bad posture include muscle strain, fatigue, and lower back pain.

Backrest cushions are designed to support your lower back and assist with pain relief, relax your muscles, ease tension, and improve your posture.

Lumbar Pillows for Chairs

To use your backrest pillow in your car as a seat cushion, it is important that you place it properly and support your spine, follow these steps:

Put your pillow on the bottom lower half of the chair you are sitting on.

Sit with your back resting against your pillow that should fit the natural contours of your lower back.

Keep your back straightened up and sit tall.

Tips for Seated Lumbar Pillows

Get your lumbar pillow placed properly. If you have difficulty getting your lumbar pillow to remain in the correct place, try sitting down and then sliding it in behind you.

Make sure that you are sitting upright with a good posture. You could technically use a backrest pillow and still slip into your usual slouch, but that isn’t advisable because sitting with good posture is key to getting the most out of your lumbar support.

When you are sitting down, your feet need to be flat on the floor, your shoulders should remain relaxed, and your head and neck need to be in an upright, neutral position over your torso in order to establish good posture.

Lumbar Pillows for Sleeping

Lumbar pillows may often be thought of as just being used in seated situations, but try these additional use cases to treat yourself to a good night’s sleep.

Lay down flat on your back with a backrest pillow under your lower back to support the lumbar spine like you would in a chair.

While you are asleep, you can achieve better spinal alignment by using the lumbar pillow for your neck and head.

When you use your backrest pillow to elevate your legs, you are able to help align your spine in a more evenly manner with your mattress and with the pillow just beneath your knees.

Benefits of Lumbar Pillows

It turns out that what’s good for your spine is also good for other regions of your body because a backrest pillow can be used for:

  • Improved concentration and productivity – While a lumbar pillow doesn’t have the ability to completely eliminate your daily workload for you, it will relax your body so that your mind doesn’t have to stay stuck on the pain that you are going through and can focus on the work you have to complete.
  • Smoother slumber – Could it be that your inadequate daytime seating has kept up on you at night? Can it be that you would get much better sleep in your bed if you were able to have more spinal support? Whatever situation you find yourself in, getting proper rest is more than enough of a reason to purchase and actually use a backrest pillow.
  • Better digestion – Bad posture can lead you in the nasty direction of serious stomach-churning because slouching creates pressure on your midsection. Even if you are feeling great after returning from a delicious meal, jumping right back into your regular hunched position isn’t going to help you digest your food any better. Sitting up straight assists with digestion and with evading heartburn.
  • Better breathing and circulation – Standing up tall or sitting up straight with good posture makes breathing much easier to do. A study has shown that those who sat with good posture had improved respiratory functionality compared to those who sat in a slumped position.

When it is all said and done, having a backrest pillow at your disposable can help keep the pay away.

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