It’s easy to overlook colors and what they mean to different cultures and religions because, for most people, colors are only colors. We pick out the colors we like to match the rest of our interiors – that’s what we settle with. In Jewish homes, colors are more than just colors. They have meaning to both culture and religion, and during certain religious holidays, these colors become more of a prominent feature. Are you interested in the meaning behind colors selected for interior decor in Judaism? Keep on reading to find out more about them.
White and Blue
White and blue are two colors that have different connotations for different religions – especially Judaism. Like with other religions, white symbolizes purity, both physically and intellectually.
In Judaism, white also symbolizes death. Despite that, it’s the overwhelming choice of color for many Jewish homes. Plus, it’s an easy color to style with. Every color that features in this article goes perfectly with white; it’s an excellent baseline color.
Pink usually makes an appearance in Jewish households around the time of Shabbat – some Jewish homes like to surround their Sabbath candlesticks to add a pop of color to the table. There isn’t necessarily a meaning tied to the color pink in Judaism, but red flowers also feature on the table, and red symbolizes blood and sin. You’re more likely to see the colors red appear during Passover, where in ancient Judaism, a slaughtered lamb was offered to God as a sacrifice.
Natural Olive
Olive is a naturally beautiful color trending right now, not just in Judaism. It’s easy to style, and its natural vibe brings peace and tranquility. Mix it with white walls and light wicker furnishings, and the olive color comes to life. The color olive is perhaps the most meaningful color on the list. Israel decided to make the olive leaf the official leaf of the menorah. Olive also symbolizes oil and light – olive oil was used to light the menorah of the Second Temple of Jerusalem.
While the other colors have somewhat loose ties to Judaism, other than blue and white, olive is one of the colors that’s instrumental to Jewish culture and religion.
Turquoise is a beautifully refreshing color that’s easy to style in a home – especially as the summer season arrives. Some Jewish people attached the color turquoise to the Mikveh, a cleansing ritual that Jewish people had to go through before being allowed to enter the temple. In modern times, Jewish women still used Mikveh to achieve purity after menstruation or childbirth. Jewish men also use it to achieve purity – and other people use it when they’re converting to Judaism.
It’s interesting to explore the different religions and cultures and how they attach meaning to colors – because colors are more than just colors. In other religions and cultures, colors also have deep meaning. Many cultures share the idea of white relating to purity, for example. Not only that, but colors are also a way to express feelings and emotions.