Trench grates rarely get the credit they deserve. They play a vital role in keeping both private and public spaces safe and sanitary. Trench grates keep trench drains by protecting them from debris and other damage. For all their work, trench grates sometimes often go unnoticed until the trench drains, they protect, are inundated with water or other liquids. It is important to replace damaged trench grates for several reasons:

Prevent Drains From Clogging 

Trench drains are susceptible to clogging from different debris including the soil, rocks, tree leaves, and other rubbish like paper. A damaged trench grate cannot do its protection job properly. Debris will infiltrate the trench drain and clog it.

Outdoor trench grates are especially at risk of damage from corrosion and rust. They weaken and can collapse when they bear weight from pedestrian or vehicular traffic. You should replace these corroded and weak trench grates as a preemptive measure. Stone trench grates like jonite grates are not susceptible to rusting, corrosion or fading from exposure to the elements.

Trench grates in industrial settings play an important role in draining toxic waste from working spaces. They are exposed to harsh chemicals that corrode them. It is important to inspect trench grates in industrial settings frequently and replace the damaged ones. It keeps the working space safe from fumes from toxic waste. The inventory in the warehouse also stays safe from flooding liquid.

Keep People Safe 

Keeping people safe is perhaps the most pressing reason to replace damaged trench grates. Pedestrians need to see where they are stepping at all times to prevent accidents and the implications that come with them, like legal suits.

Standing water is a danger to pedestrian traffic. It is impossible to tell where trench drains and other footpath features are when walking in a flooded area. It brings up the hazard of stepping into a ditch or trench drain and breaking or dislocating a leg. Falling into deeper pits can be fatal because of the dangers of drowning. Replace damaged grates with Jonite trench grates that are also slip resistant, which minimizes dangers of falls.

Human health is at risk when there is pooled water, especially close to living spaces. Stagnant water provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which cause malaria and other dangerous fevers.

Vehicular traffic also faces risks from damaged trench grates. A weakened trench grate will collapse under the weight of a car. The driver also can not identify a trench drain when it is clogged and flooded. The resulting fall into the ditch can cause serious damage to a vehicle.

Protect Building Structures 

Trench drains are crucial in keeping buildings safe from inundation by floodwater. Pooled water can cause damage to building foundations, walls, and floors. Clogged drains cannot prevent flood damage as they are supposed to, when unexpected storms happen. Replacing trench grates ensures trench drains channel flood water away from buildings, keeping them safe.

Avoid Financial Loss 

There is a financial implication that comes with poor drainage. Flooding can cause considerable damage, especially when stormwater infiltrates and inundates buildings. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic accidents have dire financial implications for property managers. The aggrieved parties can sue in court for damages and get huge compensation for negligence. It is important to replace damaged trench grates and avoid such legal and financial implications.

Prevent Bad Smells

Clogged drainage holds decomposing organic material, especially outdoors. The mix of rotting leaves, dead insects and small animals, gives off a bad odor. Standing water also attracts greenish moss which emanates a bad smell. A functional trench grate is crucial in preventing such an outcome.

Keep the Property Beautiful

Working drainage is very important in landscaping. Trench drainages channel away water to keep the grass clear and green on the lawn. Jonite trench grates provide ornamental value with their assorted designs, colors, and patterns. They improve the aesthetic value of the space they occupy. You need to replace a damaged trench grate to keep your property looking good.

Prolong Drainage Life 

Trench grates that are functional keep the drainage working as it should. They prevent early damage of the drainage infrastructure. Replacing a damaged trench grate now prevents replacing the trench drain a few months down the line.

Better Storm Preparedness 

The primary goal of trench drains is to channel away large volumes of water that the ground cannot absorb. They are most useful in hardscapes and large areas covered by concrete or asphalt. Storms cover these areas with large volumes of water in a very short time. A well-maintained trench drainage can handle these weather events capably. But a clogged one leads to disaster. Replacing damaged trench grates should be one step in storm preparation.

You cannot ignore a damaged trench grate. The risks to people’s welfare and property are too great. Always inspect for damage and take quick action when there is a damaged trench grate, to keep your spaces safe and valuable.

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