
Is there something about your living room that doesn’t look right?

It’s probably your pillows!

While people might assume that perfectly curated wall art or radiant rugs are things that make a room look finished, that is not true.

When it comes to a living room space, it’s the pillows that tie a room together, especially for farmhouse-styled living spaces.

But what kind of pillows should you use? And is there such a thing as too many pillows?

Let’s go over the basics of choosing the perfect pillow now.

How decorative pillows can transform a living room

When decorating a living room, few things can have as big of an impact as the right decorative pillows. Not only can they add color and pattern to a space, but they can also change the entire feel of a room. If you’re looking for a way to transform your living room, start with the pillows!

Farmhouse sofas are becoming increasingly popular, and there are countless ways to style them. One of the easiest ways to add your personal touch is with pillows.

Choose a few different colors and patterns that coordinate with the rest of your space, and mix and match them until you find the perfect combination. Don’t be afraid to experiment – you might be surprised at how a few small changes can make such a big difference in the overall look of your living room.

Choose a pillow shape and size

When picking out the perfect pillow for your farmhouse sofa, there are a few things you’ll want to consider.

Do you want a large, rectangular pillow to lean back against? Or maybe a smaller, round pillow for snuggling up with? Once you’ve decided on the shape, then it’s time to select the size.

Again, this will largely depend on personal preference and the specific dimensions of your sofa.

If you’re looking for some guidance on choosing the right pillows for your farmhouse sofa, here are a few tips:

  • For a cozy look, go with a down or feather-filled pillow. These plump and soft pillows give your farmhouse sofa an inviting feel.
  • If you prefer a firmer pillow, choose one filled with polyester fiber or another synthetic material. These pillows hold their shape better over time and won’t flatten out as quickly as down or feathers can.
  • Looking for something in between? Consider a mix of down and feathers for your pillow filling. This will give you the best of both worlds – a fluffy yet supportive cushion.

Add pillows to other pieces of farmhouse furniture

The fact is, there’s no such thing as too many pillows! And sofas aren’t the only form of farmhouse furniture that can benefit from decorative pillows.

Adding pillows to ottomans, chairs, and even beds can give them a touch of farmhouse charm. Choose pillows in coordinating colors and patterns to tie the room’s look together.

Choose your throw pillow fabric

When choosing a throw pillow for your farmhouse furniture, the fabric is just as important as the design. You’ll want to choose a durable fabric that can withstand daily use but also one that fits in with the overall style of your home.

Linen is a classic choice for farmhouse pillows, as it has a natural look that complements the rustic style of furniture. Cotton is another popular option, as it’s both durable and comfortable. Wool is another great choice for those looking for a pillow that will last for years.

If you’re looking for something more unique, you can always opt for vintage fabric. Vintage fabrics often have intricate patterns and beautiful colors that add personality to any space.

Choose a color

Finally, you’ll want to choose a color that complements the sofa. If your sofa is white, you may want to choose a pillow in a neutral color like tan or gray. If your sofa is brown, you may want to choose a pillow in a complementary color, like blue or green.

Get out there and give your furniture a makeover

So, now you know the basics of adding that important final touch to your farmhouse-styled living space. It’s all about the pillows!

Consider size, shape, and fabric, and don’t forget that they all need to work together. Also, don’t be afraid to get creative and add cushioning to other farmhouse furniture pieces throughout your home.

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