
It’s easy to imagine why a hot tub is the main attraction in any setting. The warm bubbles accompanied by the deep relaxation is an absolute treat that just about anyone would gladly indulge.

What if I told you that there are a few ways in which you can make your hot tub transform from a small pool with warm bubbles into a water palace that looks irresistible.

Let’s dive in and find out how.

Choose the Right Location for your Hot Tub

While the decision to purchase a hot tub might be a no-brainer, where to put the hot tub should ideally take a moment to think over.

Setting can often make or break how magnificent the experience will be. Take a look around your available space and think about integrating the hot tub into the environment in a seamless way.

Quite corners or even balconies are a fantastic choice as they provide privacy and seclusion. How irresistible does it sound to have a secret hot tub oasis?

Incorporate your garden by placing the hot tub under the trees or behind some shrubs to envoke a little mystery, not to mention the beauty of feeling like you are in a jungle.

If there is limited space and no quiet corners to use, think of integrating the hot tub with existing features.

Laying a hot tub next to a pool can be the perfect addition to the space, if that sounds good click here.

Choosing to have the hot tub placed in the ground or above ground can completely change how it visually impacts the space. For a clean and hidden appeal, select an in-ground hot tub.


The generic outside and smooth white texture inside the hot tub can detract from the aesthetic appeal.

Rock, stone, and cement textures add a lovely natural appearance that is sure to make the hot tub even more appealing.

These textures can be applied on the outside of the hot tub, giving it a natural spring appearance.

Adding a wooden casing around the hot tub is an excellent choice for a rustic appeal that is easy to build and maintain. Going one step further and placing decking around the hot tub turns this into a gorgeous feature.

Tiles are another fantastic way to disguise the hot tub and blend it into the surroundings. Make sure that your choice is cohesive with the space.


While lighting is sometimes overlooked, it is a sure-fire way to create some beautiful ambiance.

Candles are simple yet elegant and cost-effective. Placing a few of them in protective lanterns around the edge of the hot tub is guaranteed to provide a warm glow of relaxation.

Fairy lights are always a welcome addition and are an inexpensive lighting solution. Place them on a wall, in a tree, or simply along the outer edge of the hot tub. Choose warm white light for a relaxing glow.

As for lighting in the hot tub, select a light cover that complements the colour of the surrounding features. Avoiding bright neon colours will ensure the aesthetic remains elegant.


Here is where it gets fun! These additions are what make the hot tub irresistible.

Fire pits and fireplaces near the hot tub tie it all together and make it into a central attraction where you can enjoy the dancing flames from your cosy seat.

Adding a pergola provides a beautiful finish and some sought-after privacy. Think about adding some curtains and having lights drape down from the ceiling to complete the look.

A bar built onto the side of the hot tub could be more up your alley. Giving your hot tub a whole new appeal and providing a useful secondary function in the same space.

If natural is your preference, add a gentle waterfall cascading down into the hot tub. Lighting behind the water will brighten up this space into the most enticing spot in your house.

Plants are always the perfect addition to just about any setting. Placing plants such as ferns and other small shrubs along the perimeter of the hot tub can add a gorgeous natural component.

You could even have a creeper grow along the outside of the hot tub, completely disguising it.

Last Words Before A Dip In The Bubbles

The options are endless! The only limit is your imagination.

What is truly important about making your hot tub irresistible is the ability to make it seamlessly integrated into the environment.

Choose a style that represents you, but most of all, have fun.

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