What other way to enhance the look of your room if not with a bookshelf? Bookshelves tend to create a good impression; you can even enhance it by creating a cozy space with a built-in mezzanine level where you can read and relax.
A relaxing spot filled with books is something every person needs; homes with high ceilings and big walls are ideal for creating a home library.
The book covers will color the whole space, as together with the bookshelf radiate a sophisticated and warm vibe. Bookcases could either make your wall a big and luxurious decoration, or could be the perfect separation between two of your rooms.
Choosing the Fastener
You can’t just choose any kind of screws to use when hanging the bookshelf; drywall screws may seem like a good idea, but getting something with a good quality, like GRK and Spax wooden screws, is always worthwhile.
The screw needs to be deep in order to easily go through the hanging rail, plaster or drywall, and should go approximately one inch into the wood stud.
This doesn’t mean the screws should be too long, as that creates a risk of them piercing through a wire or pipe – this is also one of the reasons lags or deck construction screws are not recommendable because they are certain to cause a hazard.
Wall cabinets and kitchen cabinets require a fastening through a certain piece of wood – the same can be said about bookshelves as they have a hanging rail that helps with the books the shelf has to support.
If the shelf is without a hanging rail, consider that everything you’re fastening needs to be firmly constructed and securely attached to the remaining parts of the bookshelf.
If you find yourself fastening plywood back and finding that it’s only held by a couple of scanty staples, it would be a good idea to add some fasteners by yourself. This would ensure the shelf not falling apart.
Play With the Placing of the Books
You can arrange your books in many ways that can attract a positive amount of attention. You can go both horizontal and vertical, organizing the books in any way you want.
This can be applied to one shelf, or you can maybe even combine how entire shelves are arranged – one could be horizontal, and one vertical.
A Decorative Touch
What best complements a shelf full of books? Some bookshelf decorating ideas claim that something more artistic and sculptural could fill in some gaps that might exist.
The possibilities are endless, though popular choices include decorative plates, bowls or even stacking small items, like boxes – most bookcase decorative items work great.
Go Natural
Another interesting way to decorate the bookshelf is by using something organic to mix up the atmosphere. An impressionable arrangement of seashells or rocks could go great, and you can also put something like a sea fan into the mix.
An Artistic Scheme
Artwork will not only fill-in the extra space, but will give this whole piece a touch of stylishness and class. You can create an English library look by hanging the artwork on the shelves, or you can go simple by putting smaller pieces throughout the shelves
Use Standard Kitchen Cabinets
Why waste your time and money getting annoyed with the cabinet doors when a smarter alternative, like kitchen cabinets, is easier to work on?
One cabinet approximately costs $150 more than doing it yourself, but keep in mind that they tend to be prefinished. This means you’ll need to find a matching stain and clear coating as to be done with what you’ve been creating from scratch.
Elegant Case Goods
A nice way to add storage space and give your room a fancy and interesting looks at the same time is using wall-to-wall shelves.
Unite the crown molding and the horizontal shelf fronts in order to create a look that can never fade out of style. You can always add extra sconces in order to illuminate the space and boost the vibe.
Different Sizes
Easily interchangeable shelves are an ideal element of any bookshelf as they’re a great way to keep everything arranged and tidy. Experiment with the size of the shelves in order to put different things on them. These types of shelves are perfect for organizing different types of decorations, books and toys; wall bookcases offer countless options.
A Home-y Design
Creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere is easily achieved with the right amount of natural lights and the right choice of materials.
Using shelves where you will place your books and accessories is a great way to make the room cozy and make yourself really feel at home. Wooden shelves are best for this effect, as adding picture frames and personal belongings next to the books.
Show Off
With wall-to-wall floating shelves you can create an attractive display of your own library. You don’t have to work with the mediocrity of the built-in unit, because now you can accommodate your shelves depending on the design of your room and the furniture elements.
Decorative elements can take the top spaces and the books can take the lower ones – not only is it aesthetically better, it allows better access.
The Folding Bookshelves
An interesting type of innovation is the folding bookshelf, which allows for you to organize your books in a unique way. Made by using cherry wood yet feeling as light as paper, these bookshelves allow many positions you can use them in. For example, they can be horizontal, vertical, turned 90 degrees, completely stood up or even laid down.
The Ceiling Bookshelf
Is a great idea to store your books if your space is limited. As you can see a place that 99,9% of people don’t use can be used in a very practical way to store your books, and save a lot of space in any room. The ceiling bookshelf is an idea that can be applied quite easy.
However, in order to get a book, you have to use a chair. Finally let’s hope that the ceiling bookshelf will not reserve us unpleasant and unexpected surprises, like a book falling from the ceiling.
Create a Rainbow
Why not add a touch of color and creativity to your books? It’s nothing difficult – just keep an eye on the covers of your books and see to arrange them as you please. You can create many impressionable effects by arranging the books the right way.
Let the Books Float
Floating shelves are the way to go if you want to create your own home personal library. It’s all about letting one wall be filled with countless of books – this is also a great way to spare some of the floor space.
Short and Long
It’s smart to have a number of shelves that have different lengths. You can even work some sort of art piece around them, as the art piece could be a nice addition to have behind any piece of furniture.
A Fake Alternative
Fake built-in shelves by using custom cut floating shelves; you can always place these on the sides of a fireplace or maybe even around a window. They’re cheap, yet they look expensive and they come in many different colors to choose from.
Bookshelves design ideas
The dictionary presents us the meaning of bookshelves in this way: a shelf or set of shelves for holding books. It helps you only with the meaning of the word, here I present to you bookshelves design.
Over time the bookcases suffered some changes and not only the horizontal shelves are used for keeping the precious books, but also unique ones with various shapes. The wood was processed gaining new forms, from the classiest to the strangest.
But traditional or modern bookshelves keep their usefulness giving you the necessary education, shaping your personality, or clearing your mind. And for book lovers the bookshelves are necessary in a living room, in the home office, in the basement or in the attic, even if in your bedroom, the place where you love to fall asleep with the book on your chest.
Wall hanging bookshelves, leaning in a corner (corner bookshelves) or placed in the middle of the room, will always be the primary space for storing books and why not even the small decorative objects.
If you choose unique bookshelves, like the pictures presented in this article, you have to be prepared to surprise all your guests, or, who knows, maybe your books will be surprised too.