Understanding your limits is key to any closet remodel. The cost of building a closet is approximately the same, no matter how intricate or simple the design might be. The main difference is in its use.

Thoughtfully planned out designs will be more effective in the long run. Planning out the design will help make the best use of space and resources.

Analyze the space of the room and what you need. Making a full wall closet in a small room will only make it seem crowded. So, first prioritize what you want to make space for, then decide your closet size.

Keeping this in mind, plan on how to incorporate the type of closet you need, in the space you have. This will make closet remodeling easier and will yield better results.

Sorting stuff out.

Image source: Tendeter – Workshop

Start off your closet remodel by dividing all of your things into similar categories. Dresses or skirts can be put into one category because of their similar length, similarly more categories can be made.

Then you can decide how you are going to store those similar items. This is easier than storing everything haphazardly, which makes trying to find something a hassle.

Sorting these things out could give you a better picture of the closet size you need and could even help you make a closet suitable to your needs.

Make things more comfortable.

Image source: Angie Keyes CKD

Some closet design tips, keeping your items out of reach; storing them too low in boxes or shelves or too high; makes tidying up worse. Store your itmes in comfortable places.

Having to bend down constantly can even cause knee pains. Avoid that by designing your closet to be ergonomic. Keep shelves above knee level and between hanging space.

Even drawers can be more ergonomic. Design them to be 14 inches deep and 10 inches wide. This way you will have plenty of space to fold and store items along with that things won’t fall to the back of the drawers where you can’t grab them.

Quick Tip:

Image source: Bella Systems – Custom Closets

The typical closet dimensions for shelves are 12 inches. This is because most clothes average out to 12 inches when folded.

One idea for a DIY built in closet is to not add drawers. Drawers waste space and money. They are not a good idea for a cheap closet makeover, so try to avoid them.

Don’t fold your clothes instead hang them and use dressers you already own. This way you won’t buy unnecessary items and you won’t waste any space either.

Get creative with where you store.

To do a closet remodel on a small closet can be tricky. There is the issue of there not being enough space. Well learn to use the most of the space you have and you will never have that problem again.

One way to optimize space is hanging all your clothes. Folding and keeping them in drawers takes up much more space and so is less efficient. Those drawers can be used for more things.

Use other drawers for shoes undergarments and other such items.

How to store shoes smart.

Image source: Robeson Design Fabulous Shoe Storage

usually the first place to store shoes is under the bed in a box or bag. The more plausible option is to store shoes under the hanging side of the closet. Since you will have space on the bottom why waste it?

The next space is low level shelves if you have the space to put them there. You don’t need shoes at knee height or above since you’re going to grab them by foot anyway, so low level shelves are perfect.

Shoes are pretty flexible and are only 12 inch deep. Hence, they are easy to store in tight space. So rather than buying some gadgets to keep this a cheap closet makeover, just use what you have. The drawers are fine no matter which kind. 

Keep the closets well, lit.

Having good lighting in the closet will help you see the clothes in their true colors. Fluorescent lighting does not do clothes justice. So, when starting to redo your closet invest in some good Led lights.

LED lights are what they use in malls and it’s because those lights complement the clothes. So, to make your clothes more flattering to the eye invest in some LED lights.

And it goes without saying that if not LED but some light source is needed in the closet.

Make putting clothes back a habit!

Image source: Clean Lined Transitional Home

Even though it’s easy to do but everyone finds some excuse to get out of doing it. But putting your clothes back will only make your home tidier and help you not lose your things in the long run.

It’s hard at first but just made putting your clothes back on the rack a habit. Even if you are just trying out clothes, always put them back!

Say no to miscellaneous hangers.

Not having consistent hangers is understandable. You may need new ones and couldn’t find the same hanger, and so you have some different ones.

But you still need to try and be consistent. Like buying all wood or all leather hangers. This will give your closet a neater and more organized look. It will give your old closet a new look, without any closet remodeling.

However, the hangers that come with the dry cleaning, is a big no no and must immediately be thrown in the trash.

A closet essential: trash cans.

Image source: Kitchen Designs by Ken Kelly, Inc. (CKD, CBD, CR)

Some closet built ins are essential, and one of them is a trash can. A designated area to throw the clothes tags and dry-cleaner plastic. Other than that, it has many uses.

These types of conveniences are what make your closet remodel. Small changes that make your closet cleaner and more organized is the whole point closet remodeling.

Think inside the closet!

Now that you have designed the outside of your closet redo to your desire, it’s time to think about the inside. To have a truly Instagram worthy closet, you must arrange everything in an order.

So, map out ideas for the way you want it to look. For example, have all the middle length dresses and skirts be in order of height,

Have A System

Image source: Built-Rite Closets

Keeping an organised closet may save you a lot of space, regardless of closet dimensions, and one way to stay organised is if you have a system to sort out your wardrobe. This not only saves space but also saves you time when trying to get ready for the day.

You can organise your bedroom closet by colour, by use, by formality or anything as long as the system works for you. This tip will make your small wall closet seem spacious beyond belief.

This also ensures that you can make the best use of the clothes in your closet and give more opportunity to diversify your style.

Cleanse your closet.

One practice that every person should indulge in is purging their closet. This basically is an essential practice of letting go of clothes that you are no longer in need of on a regular basis, to make room for newer articles of clothing.

Visit your closet with a hamper or trash bin and dispose of torn or dirty clothes for recycling. Take clothes that no longer fit, or you no longer intend on wearing and donate them to a charity, or simply give it away to a relative or friend who’d appreciate it.

Don’t stack it till you try it.

Image source: Atlanta Closet & Storage Solutions

Avoid being a hoarder. one can be tempted to stack rows and rows of clothes and accessories on a shelf in your closet, needlessly. A good tip is to keep stacks of 5 items or less.

This ensures that there isn’t any risk of items tumbling over or falling. You will also have a more accessible closet where smaller stacks make it easier to riffle through your collection.

smaller neater stacks exude the sense of shopping in a boutique inside your own closet. That feeling undeniably results in a better planned outfit for the day.

DIY closet designs.

When attempting to revamp your closet, it is best not to underestimate your task ahead. It is always a sage idea to plan what you need done before hand. Any good plan needs a blueprint, and it would be smart to make one of your closet remodel.

This requires proper measurements to be taken of the closet dimensions, which would then influence the dimensions and nature of your supplies.

Planning ahead can save you a lot of time, and can ensure that you don’t end up wasting any space in your closet remodeling ideas.

Innovate your closet.

Image source: MITERBOX

Try to diversify your approach to how you organise your closet. Try to incorporate ideas off of pintrest or other pin boarding sites. Don’t shy away from innovating new ideas yourself either. This induction of innovation can save you a lot of room in your closet, and can make it more organised and orderly.

Compartmentalise your closet.

divide your closet with the help of a hutch where you can have sections allocated to certain categories of your clothes, making it easier to navigate through it. The number of compartments entirely depend on the closet size.

Make the most of your closet’s height.

Image source: California Closets – DC Metro

Don’t hesitate to add multiple rods in your closet for hanging. This bedroom closet design can optimise the use one can get out of a limited space. This will even provide a chance to add hidden racks for your ties or other accessories.

Spacious drawers are a girl’s best friend.

Image source: Closet Factory

Drawers in your closets saves up space in the room, reducing the amount of furniture one would require to host in the rest of the bedroom. This simple addition to the closet can make not only your closet more orderly, but can also optimise your bedroom space.

Use a closet hutch surface as a catchall.

Envision coming home after a long day’s work and taking off your watch, putting away your keys and your wallet, and then putting on your comfort clothes and relaxing on your couch.

Now imagine making this process much easier by having a catchall on your closet hutch, where you can stow away your keys and wallet, while simultaneously reach onto the rack for a change of clothes.

This revolutionary closet remodeling idea will agree with the lazy side we all host in ourselves.

Optimise your closet space.

Image source: Closet Factory

Closet renovations are all about fulfilling your personal needs. Your closet plans are geared towards your specific requirements and how best to cater to them.

These can include floor to ceiling closets with spacious inserts that aid in optimising your storage space. Decide on your bedroom closet designs to appeal to not only your functional needs but to also your aesthetic needs.

Be prepared.

Keep a sewing kit handy, with threads, needles, and spare buttons and nick knacks for your wardrobe emergencies. Having a container with all these needs inside your closet will make it easier for you to handle your sewing crisis.

Bins are for the better.

Image source: Kerri Robusto Interiors

Keep rogue items and miscellaneous wardrobe objects in bins to make your closet more appealing. These can make your closet organised and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

Your closet plans don’t require to splurge on all your inserts. There are plenty of pleasantly designed bins in fabric or other materials, that you can get on discounts to meet your remodeling needs.

Your closet reflects your personality.

Image source: Amazing Closet

Embellish your closet with fun designs and add small trinkets that are personal and add character to your wardrobe. This makes your daily chore of getting ready all the more enjoyable.

Please your aesthetic.

Image source: Stor-x Organizing Systems

A closet should reflect the intricate and careful thought you put in the rest of your home. DIY closet designs can make use of various decorative ideas; you can opt to paint the interior, or wallpaper it. you can match it to your bathroom or to your drapes.

A storage optimal, pretty closet is not an insurmountable task. It all starts with designing your closet, and planning the execution of your closet remodel, according to your personal needs.

What skills you might lack, you can cover by hiring expert help in 3D modelling and design to help get you started on your closet renovation ideas.

Orderly and organised

Image source: Organized Closet by Closet Works

Be certain to not haphazardly hang your clothes around the closet. Neatly fold your trousers at equal lengths from hangers and stack them on a rod in an orderly manner in your closet.

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