
The bedroom is one of the most important areas of our homes, and one that we start the day in, and end it. That is why it is so important to keep everything in check in your bedroom, and to keep it as tidy as possible. In this article, we will take a look at how to declutter your bedroom and create a more pleasant environment.

Many believe that having your kitchen tidy is the most important, or perhaps it is the living room that needs more attention. But the reality is that the bedroom is perhaps the most important room in your house. Here, you will need a clean environment free of clutter and unnecessary things, so that you will be able to relax and sleep properly.

You cannot do that in a messy bedroom, which means that the more things you have amassed in your bedroom, and the untidier it is, the harder it is to calm down and relax, and fall asleep. Luckily, we can fix that very easily with a few simple cleaning tricks that you can use to tidy your bedroom. Let’s take a look at how to declutter your bedroom in a few simple and easy steps.

How to Declutter Your Bedroom

Think About How You Want Your Bedroom to Look

Harbour-Island-Plaza-Penthouse-by-McKinlay-Rose-Interiors-LLC How to declutter your bedroom and make it look great
Image source: McKinlay Rose Interiors, LLC

The first step that you should take is to think about the overall design and the look of the bedroom. How do you want the bedroom to look, what even is important in your bedroom, and what pieces of furniture and garments are really necessary for your bedroom? That way, you will be able to construct an action plan much easier.

Start with Your Dressers

National-Campaign-by-California-Closets-Northern-n-Central-Florida How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: California Closets – Northern & Central Florida

Dressers will contain your shirts, t-shirts, socks and underwear, but many people start to neglect them. And we know that they are so unorganized, which can cause even more stress, knowing that we have to clean them, but we just don’t have the time or the will. This is an important step in how to declutter your bedroom.

Well the time is now, and you can start sorting your pieces of clothing. Maybe there are some pieces that won’t suit you anymore, the socks might be mismatched, and sort everything by seasons. It is recommended to do it at least once every season.

Move on to Your Bedside Tables

Bedrooms-by-Sundeleaf-Painting How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Sundeleaf Painting

Next, you can start clearing your bedside table(s). These can also become the place for storing any random things that you will never need, or have never needed. Sure, they are useful for storing things you need every day, for example glasses, or reading light. But surely, they must contain something that is just useless and has been there for years. Now is the time to throw those things out and organize your drawers properly.

Get a Multi-Use Nightstand

Modern-Living-in-a-Classic-Home-by-Jeannie-Balsam-Interiors How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Jeannie Balsam Interiors

Perhaps you don’t have a dresser or a bedside table, and you throw your things all over the place. No wonder they get lost, and you spend hours searching for things or clothes that are supposed to be tucked away nicely in a dresser. Well, you can invest in a nice multi-use nightstand, where you will ideally have a midsized dresser as well as some drawers for storing your essentials.

Have a Laundry Basket Ready

Master-Bedroom-Office-Suite-by-The-Good-Home-Interiors-n-Design How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: The Good Home – Interiors & Design

Most commonly, one of the first steps of how to declutter your bedroom is by start collecting and throwing your dirty pieces of the wardrobe into your laundry basket. So why not use a basket in your bedroom in the first place, instead of just having those pieces of clothing just lying around your bedroom, collecting even more dust?

Store Season Clothes in Rolling Crates

Alternative-Flooring-Wool-Crafty-Diamond-Lasque-by-Alternative-Flooring How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Alternative Flooring

Now a good idea would also be to get a rolling crate or a wooden basket where you will be able to put all the clothing pieces from each individual season. That way, you won’t have to store everything in your dresser.

Use Trays for Storing Clutter

Master-Bedroom-by-Casa-Greer How to declutter your bedroom and make it look great

Image source: Casa Greer

What might make your bedroom look more unorganized is all the small clutter and pieces of garment that you rarely use. These include watches, earrings, jewelry, and even books. You can store them nicely in separate trays.

Hide Your Extra Pillows

Donny-Osmond-Home-Lanchester-Eastern-King-Storage-Bed-with-Solid-Mahogany-Wood-by-HomeClick How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: HomeClick

Do you not use all the pillows you have in your bedroom, and they just end up lying around the place? Then the best idea is to hide them, and a good hiding spot would be under the bed. You can also place them in a nightstand or a dresser if you have enough space.

Sort Out Your Drawers

One of the most important steps of how to declutter your bedroom is hidden to our eyes, but just as important as the other steps. It might be an invisible change, but one that will make your bedroom feel much tidier and satisfying. You can sort out your drawers and organize everything nicely, and you can get a drawer divider for your socks and underwear.

Use Tension Rods to Organize Shoes

Pause-Studio-by-Pause-Designs How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Pause Designs

What about the shoes? A good idea to make use of the unused wall space is to buy tension rods and hang them in a nook on your wall for making a very simple, but efficient, shoe rack.

What About my Reading Material?

Bedroom-by-Lisa-Borgnes-Giramonti How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Lisa Borgnes Giramonti

An important part of cleaning the clutter in your bedroom is organizing your reading material. First, you will have to consider which parts of your reading material you even need, and you can organize it in the following way.

Decide what material you will really need, and think about donating the pieces you have already read.

Sort the magazines you really need and find out the chunks of them that you find interesting. You can tear them out and use them in the future, and you can throw out the stuff you don’t need.

If you have books you will likely never need again, you can throw them away, or sell them. Make a pile of those books you find useful for the future.

If it is a fiction book and you have already read it, you can donate it. If you think that the book has value, you can even sell it, or keep for yourself if you have enough space, of course.

Make Full Use of Your Bookshelves

Rosedale-Bungalow-by-Weiss-Architecture-Inc How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: Weiss Architecture Inc

Maybe you are not utilizing your bookshelves and have unused space there. You can add the books you like there, or you can decide to get another bookshelf to store all the books. What you don’t need, throw it away or donate it.

Get a “Maybe Box”

Studio-City-by-JAC-Interiors How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: JAC Interiors

What is a maybe box? It is simply a box where you will store all the books and reading material that you will “maybe” read in the future. You can store this box in your basement and restore it any time you will want to read a book or you will need a piece from the box.

Don’t be Afraid to Donate them

Don’t be greedy and donate books to charity. You won’t use those books anyway, and other people might find them more useful than you, but they can’t afford them. Collect such items in a box and donate it to charity.

Make Use of Your Space

Lombard-by-SVK-Interior-Design How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: SVK Interior Design

Some things just might not fit in your room, and you need to organize your space better. You can buy slimmer shelves, for example, where you will store your things. Or you can store bigger things in other rooms than in your bedroom.

Maintain Your Bedroom Regularly

One of the most important steps is to do this constantly, perhaps even every week or once every fortnight. Clean the room thoroughly and declutter it, you will not regret it.

Keep Technology Out

Small-Space-Solutions-by-DL-ARC-DESIGN-INC How to declutter your bedroom and make it look greatImage source: DL ARCH + DESIGN INC

Technology can also present a form of clutter, so keep it out of your bedroom.

Finishing Touches

Take time for the little details. Hopefully, you now know how to declutter your bedroom, and how to make it a more pleasant room again.

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