There comes a time when you absolutely need to know how to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring.

Every person with a house pet knows our lovely furry friends can sometimes cause accidents and damage. Sometimes something gets broken, ripped, or stained. However, we still love them. Broken things can be fixed and stains and filth can be cleaned.

Any type of wood floor is porous, no matter if it is waxed or sealed. In general, wood floors are easy to maintain. They are also very good if someone suffers from dust allergies. But, if something gets spilled, you must wipe it asap. Otherwise, you might be left with permanent stains. How to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring may seem like a nerve-wracking question, but after reading this article, you’ll see it’s actually not.

Luckily, there are numerous ways to deal with pet stains. Cats and dog owners know this well. No matter if you have an old cat or a puppy in training, accidents may happen. It is no surprise for pet owners to stumble upon a small smelly urine puddle somewhere in the house. And if you have kids, there will be more surprises for sure. Especially if your pet caused staining in an area that you haven’t noticed.

There is a certain enzyme in cats’ and dogs’ urine that they use to mark their territory. When the pee gets combined with liquid, they produce a strong stench. This, besides making awful stains, has an unbearable smell. If you don’t locate the spot from where this odor comes quickly enough, it can sink into the floor and permanently damage it.

One of the first things people will grab to get rid of pet stains is bleach. If you just pour bleach all over that pee stain, you will risk whitening out the floor and damaging it even more.

If you found a stain and went urgently online searching for a solution on how to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring, you are at the right place! Follow the tips and advice below, and you will see there is no reason to panic. In this article, we will present you with several ways how to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring

Tips for removing pet stains from hardwood flooring

Homemade pet urine stain removers

There is a slight chemical difference in cat’s and dog’s urine. This is why there are some differences in preparing the stain removers. Dogs leave stains that are easier to clean, unlike cats.

Removing the dog urine

  • First, put 1cup of water in a clean spray bottle.
  • Then add 1/3 of distilled white vinegar or 1/4 cup of baking soda. Do this above the sink, because the chemical reaction may happen and it can start to frizz.
  • Add 1/4 cup of mild dish soap. The proportions do not have to be exact.
  • Shake the bottle to mix all the ingredients.

You have to test the mixture first to see how it reacts with your type of wood floor. Spray a bit of this liquid on some not-so-visible area, rub it in a let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, wipe it with a damp cloth. If the color of the floor didn’t change, you can use this mixture for cleaning the dog’s stains. The good thing is, these are all-natural ingredients.

Cat stain remover

We have bad news for the cat owners – cat urine stains are more difficult to remove than stains made by dogs. There is a slight difference in how to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring because cat’s and dog’s pee have different chemicals.

Sometimes, the previously explained method can do some work, but sometimes – you may need something stronger.

  • Before you do the actual cleaning, test the mixture as we mentioned already.
  • Apply some hydrogen peroxide to the stain.
  • Soak a clean piece of cloth into more hydrogen peroxide and lay it on the same spot.
  • Use plastic cling wrap or waxed paper to cover the cloth. Also, put something have on the top to keep it in place (a stack of books for example).
  • Let it rest for at least 8 hours. If the floor didn’t change color, use it to clean the stain.

White vinegar and grapefruit oil

One of the old ways to clean unwanted urine pet stains is with white vinegar. It can also serve as a natural disinfectant and deodorant.

If you want to use it as a cleanser, follow these simple instructions:

  • Pour one cup of vinegar into a bucket of water,
  • Add a couple of grapefruit oil drops to deal with the stench.
  • Scrub the floor with this mixture.
  • The stains should fade away in no time.

Commercial pet urine stain removers

This type of cleanser is called “enzymatic”. They are specifically made to deal with the problematic enzymes in the pet urine which cause the bad smell. You can purchase this in pet shops, home improvement stores, supermarkets and even online.

As well as with the homemade cleansers, test this one too. It is better to be safe than sorry. Go through the manufacturer’s instructions about how to remove pet stains from hardwood flooring with that particular product.

If you were lucky to catch your pet just as they made the mess, you can clean the spot with a piece of cloth dampened with baby detergent. The diaper sope is specially formulated to break down the organic stains.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the stain is too deep, you will have to soak that spot with hydrogen peroxide.

Before doing so, scrub the stains a bit. After they dry and stains and odor is still there, place a paper towel dampen with hydrogen peroxide.

It should sit for a couple of hours, but check from time to time to see if the stain coming off. Unfortunately, this method of cleaning will cause a minor color change, but it will get the job done.

Baking soda

After you finish the cleaning with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, it is good to treat the damp area with some baking soda. It will absorb any moisture or residue and ensure odor removal.

Spread a thick coat of baking soda all over the area. Leave it there for an hour or two and then vacuum it. If the spot is still wet, re-do the procedure.

For even better results, mix the white vinegar with the baking soda.

Enzymatic cleaner

If you are looking for a non-toxic cleanser safe for your pets, search for so-called enzymatic cleansers. They are very effective in getting rid of the unpleasant pet foul smell. These cleansers contain natural enzymes that neutralize the pet urine entirely. Of course, before using it, read the instructions

Keep in mind that no matter what method you decide to use, if the stains are too deep – you will have to repeat the process several times. Also, don’t forget that it might affect the wood floor. In case it does, it will need a minor sanding and a touch-up.

A paste

With the use of the same ingredients – baking soda and vinegar – you can make a cleaning paste. Smear the paste all over the stain and let it sit and dry. Vacuum the dry remains after a couple of hours. If you don’t have vinegar, you may also use water to make the paste. We recommend the paste treatment especially if you have laminate floors.


There is another method if you’re not patient to wait for a couple of hours. Make a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. It will work like a charm. This mixture, unlike hydrogen peroxide, doesn’t have to be left to soak the floor. It is a powerful cleanser that will surely help you in getting rid of pet stains and bad smells.

We also advise you to use some protective gloves while cleaning. Some of these ingredients might damage your skin. They might also cause burning sensations, especially if you have a cat and cat scratches are something usual for you.

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