
Knowing when it’s time to replace your roof can save you time, money, and stress. Letting a problematic roof continue on without repairs or replacement can lead to significant property damages, poor temperature control, and raised electricity bills.

That’s why it’s better to be proactive and keep an eye on the integrity of your roof. Luckily you don’t have to be a contractor to notice the signs. So we’ll look at ten signs it’s either time to repair or replace your tin roof.

Leaking and scuffing

Any type of painted roof has the possibility of scuffing. This is just a given, but there is a point when you should be concerned for your roof’s integrity. Because there is the possibility of the protective coating being scuffed off, you’ll want to have your roof inspected if you notice a significant amount.

If you notice leaking, then this is a surefire sign that the protective coating has been removed and will need to be repaired. Be sure to contact tin roofing in Augusta, GA, when you notice leaks.

Paint is fading

The paint on your tin or metal roof is the protective coating over it. Fading paint can be the result of many things. For example, an older roof that has had a rougher life dealing with falling debris or hard storms may have faded paint. Be sure to inspect the paint every so often. But if you check and notice the paint on your roof is fading, you’ll need to have this repaired. Otherwise, you can be subject to leaks and further issues, which could lead to property damage.

Mismatched materials

If your roof was installed with mismatched materials and metals, this could lead to serious issues. These issues could include sagging, staining, failure to hold itself, and other forms of degradation. Be sure to contact a metal roofing contractor near you as soon as possible to save your roof from any unnecessary damage due to mixed materials.

Oil canning

Oil canning can be noticed by looking for a ripple effect on the metal roofing. This can occur when stretched past its limit and unable to remain lying completely flat. This can appear like ripples or waviness in the metal. The most common cause for this is poor roofing construction, but there are a few other causes. Either way, you’ll need the metal replaced, and you’ll want to contact a contractor to inspect your roof if you notice any oil canning.

Punctures or scratches

The longer you have your roof, the more likely it is that some sort of debris will fall onto it. Trees are big contenders for this, but other types of falling debris can also cause damage. But when debris falls onto your roof, not only can this puncture or scratch it, but it can also chip away at the protective coating. This can lead to more punctures, leaking, and even tears in your roofing.

Headwall flashing or open ridges

Weakness typically develops in areas where there is a rising wall. While this won’t initially cause any issues, this can lead to problems as your roof ages and moisture can penetrate it. Headwall flashing is usually due to poor installation. If your roofing contractor was not paying attention to crucial details while installing the roof, you could end up with open ridges that need to be repaired.

Fasteners failing and backing out

The fasteners in your roof will be things like nails or screws, which are then attached to neoprene fasteners. These can fall out or start backing out over time. During your roof’s lifespan, it will deal with things that might move it slightly. This is what can lead to the fasteners backing out or completely falling out. Things like hard storms, wind, freezing temperatures, and other weather-related causes are the biggest contenders for this problem.

If you notice that your roof has fasteners that have fallen out or are backing out, be sure to have this fixed right away. Without these, your roof can become looser and can be subject to leaking. This problem should not be ignored as it can lead to more serious issues.

Opening in horizontal seams

When your roof was installed, if the metal panels weren’t long enough to stretch across the full length of your roof, then horizontal seams would have been added. These seams can be prone to opening and shifting over time.

Storms and high winds can lead to openings in horizontal seams. But if you leave these opened seams alone, then your roof can allow water to seep in. This can lead to water stains and other water damage. Ensuring the fasteners are all properly in place can help prevent this from occurring.

Openings in penetration flashing

Your metal roof is bound to expand and contract throughout the season and temperature changes. When the temperature changes, this affects the metal, and there is no way to avoid this. But, this can lead to openings in your roof’s penetration flashing.

Once you have these openings in your roof, you risk having a leaking roof which could lead to major damage. So be sure to keep an eye out for any openings in your roof. Your roof will either need to be repaired or replaced once this happens; you’ll need to contact a professional to inspect the damage and see what’s repairable.

Metal corrosion or oxidation

One downside to choosing a metal roof is that some metals can begin oxidizing over time. This is very typical for metal roofs that no longer have their protective coating. This is a very large problem and can lead to serious damage and can even threaten your roof’s overall integrity.

Once your roof has oxidized, if it is left alone, it can threaten the stability of your roof. This can turn a simple roof repair into a complete replacement. However, it can also lead to water damage, as your roof may be more susceptible to tears or cracks.

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